Our e-journals

The following e-journal is already taking advantage of avldigital.de’s hosting service. Further collaborative projects are in the planning phase.

Komparatistik Online: Comparative literature journal on the internet

ISSN: 1864-8533

In addition to the traditional core fields within Comparative Literature and the history of European literature, this online journal places particular emphasis on newer approaches to cultural theory from the international sphere. Apart from this, Komparatistik Online is mostly devoted to a productive exchange between the fields of literature, fine arts, and music (comparative arts and inter-arts) and the aesthetic foundations of intermedial works which blur the boundaries of and move between various media.

In addition, its articles are meant to contribute to an understanding of non-European literature and culture, of global networking and the situation in the post-colonial world.

Intercultural and imagological questions constitute an additional and significant research area. Special issues on specific current topics are in the planning phase, and plans also call for the regular publication of relevant research articles on individual topics.

In addition, special attention is paid to worthwhile new publications in Comparative Literature and related interdisciplinary fields in a separate section with book reviews.

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