Komparatistik Online: Komparatistische Internetzeitschrift

Comparative Literature online journal

Komparatistik Online is a German-language Comparative Literature e-journal of the first hour. In addition to the traditional core areas of Comparative Literature and European literary history, the internet journal is particularly interested in newer approaches to the theory of culture from the international arena. Furthermore, Komparatistik Online is primarily devoted to the productive interrelationships between literature, visual arts and music (comparative arts and inter arts) and the aesthetic foundations of intermedia border crossings and transfer movements.


Komparatistik Online has been using the FID AVL's e-journal hosting service since 2017. After the journal initially moved its entire backlist to the new OJS platform, the first issue in its new guise was the first thematic issue "Metamorphoses, Travesties and Transpositions" (2017).