
Professorship (§ 36 HG NRW) in French Literature and Cultural Studies


The University of Wuppertal is a modern, dynamic and research-oriented campus university with an interdisciplinary profile in research and teaching. Collectively, more than 26,000 researchers, academic staff and students face the challenges of society, culture, education, economics, technology, nature and the environment.


Professorship (§ 36 HG NRW) in French Literature and Cultural Studies


(legal basis: W 2 LBesG NRW).

The position will be based in the School of Humanities. The position is to be taken up as soon as possible.

Within the department of Romance Studies, we are looking for a personality with a focus on French Literature and Cultural Studies, who will represent and further develop the field in research and teaching in appropriate breadth.

Duties and requirements

§   Your areas of work include interdisciplinary narrative research and/or current cultural topics, in particular transculturality. We expect you to provide evidence of your qualification and substantial contributions to research and teaching.

§   You are internationally networked and have experience in raising third-party funding, are actively involved in interdisciplinary research projects within and outside our school.

§   You offer an attractive range of courses for the school's degree programmes, ranging from 16th century literature to 21st century literature. You are open to acquiring and using modern teaching methods.

§   You are responsible for the university’s binational German-French degree programmes and their development.

Formal requirements

§   Completed university degree in Romance Studies

§   Special aptitude for academic work, usually demonstrated by the outstanding quality of a doctorate, desirably on a topic relevant to the advertised position.

§   Additional academic achievements in the context of a (junior) professorship, a habilitation or academic work as a research assistant at a university or research institution, scientific positions in business, or other occupations in Germany or abroad when appointed to a first professorship.

§   Pedagogical aptitude, which is proven by appropriate previous experience or, exceptionally, demonstrated by excellent performance in the appointment procedure.

You are able to demonstrate your qualification for the position by publications in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals, international orientation (e.g. research abroad, international collaborations) and the independent acquisition and management of third-party-funded projects.

Applications should be addressed to the Dean Prof. Dr. Ursula Kocher and solely submitted via the online portal of the University of Wuppertal until 07 October 2024: (reference code: P24007).

At the University of Wuppertal, we appreciate individual and cultural differences of our employees and support gender equality, equal opportunities, reconciliation of family and working life.

Applications from persons of any gender and persons with disabilities are highly welcome. In accordance with the Gender Equality Act of North Rhine-Westphalia, women will be given preferential consideration unless there are compelling reasons in favour of an applicant who is not female. The same applies to applications from disabled persons, who will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

Application deadline: 07 October 2024

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Französische Literatur, Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies





Bergische Universität Wuppertal
School of Humanities
Beitrag von: Matei Chihaia
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 02.09.2024
Letzte Änderung: 02.09.2024