Wissenschaftliche Stellen

6 doctoral fellowships at University of Verona. Ph.D Programe in Foreign Literatures and Languages


The University of Verona has currently opened 6 positions within the Ph.D. programme in Foreign Literatures and Languages. Selected Ph.D. candidates will receive a 3-year fellowship.

Applications can be uploaded starting 8th May 2022. The deadline for online applications is 8th June 2022. Only online applications through the university application system are accepted (please do not send applications via e-mail).

In the Foreign Literatures and Cultures track, literary works, cultural movements and critical theories will be studied in an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, with particular attention to philological, historical, philosophical, aesthetic and cultural aspects, as well as to literary translation.

Research Areas: - French Literature - Spanish Literature - English Literature - Hispano-American literature - German Literature - Slavic Studies

In the Foreign Languages and Translation track, foreign languages will be studied in their various expressions, also with reference to linguistic variation. Particular attention will be paid to terminology, lexicology and lexicography, also from a contrastive and translational point of view.

Research Areas: - French Language - Spanish Language - English Language - Chinese Language

It is recommended to have a look at the research areas of the Ph.D. board members in order to understand whether the project can be realized in Verona.

A second fellowship is reserved for a Ph.D. project in the domain of the digital humanities. Candidates interested in this subject area have to explicitly indicate their interest in the application, after the indication of the track in Foreign Literatures and Cultures or Foreign Languages and Translation. Please see here for details.

It is recommended to have a look at the website of the Project: Digital Humanities applied to Foreign Languages and Literatures inorder to understand whether the project can be realized in Verona. Research areas: -.The study of linguistic-cultural contact phenomena between the East and the West - The study of language for specific purposes - e.g. trade, law, tourism, politics, journalism and international relations - scholarly digital editions - computer-assisted textual and stylometric analyses

Information about candidacy can be found on the application website:


The selection procedure involves evaluation of the candidates' Master's theses, their research project as well as an online interview. For details see the application website.

Note: the knowledge of the Italian language is not compulsory. Language requirements are good skills in the language of the Ph.D. project, together with good skills either in Italian or in English.

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Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Ibero-Amerikanische Literatur (einschl. Karibik), Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz, Literatur aus Großbritannien und Irland, Französische Literatur, Spanische Literatur, Osteuropäische Literatur (Baltikum, Russland, Ukraine), Ostmitteleuropäische Literatur (Polen, Slowakei, Tschechien, Ungarn), Südosteuropäische Literatur (Albanien, Balkanstaaten, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Rumänien, Türkei), Ostasiatische Literatur, Digital Humanities, Literaturtheorie, Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies, Literatur und Philosophie, Ästhetik, Übersetzungstheorie




Università degli studi di Verona / University of Verona
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures


Datum der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2022
Letzte Änderung: 23.05.2022