
Program in Comparative Literature, Department of English, City University of New York, Brooklyn College (CUNY)

1. Department Goal 1: read and think critically

Program Objective 1. Learn to read literature in its historical context; identify characteristic styles and subject matter of different periods.

Program Objective 2. Learn to read through a variety of critical lenses.

Program Objective 3. Be able to carry out close readings of literary texts.

2. Department Goal 2:  Understand how language operates

Program Objective 1: Be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of literary terminology.

3. Department Goal 3:  Express ideas–both orally and in writing–correctly, cogently, persuasively, and in conformity with the conventions of the discipline

Program Objective 1: Identify, write, and edit for currently accepted conventions of standard English mechanics, grammar, and style (including proper punctuation, subject-verb and noun-pronoun agreement, parallel construction, appropriate tense sequences and moods, etc.).

Program Objective 2: Learn and follow the conventions of literary argumentation, including formulating thesis statement, and conventions of quoting and citing textual evidence.

Program Objective 3: Learn how to rethink and revise essays.

4. Department Goal 4: conduct research

Program Objective 1: Learn to develop viable research questions and identify appropriate sources.

Program Objective 2: Learn to use library resources, including collections, databases, and archives.

Program Objective 3: Learn how to summarize and cite both primary and secondary sources in support of the argument.

Program Objective 4: Learn appropriate scholarly conventions, such as MLA Style or Chicago Manual of Style.

Program Objective 5: Learn how to avoid plagiarism by citing sources properly.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters




City University of New York, Brooklyn College
Department of English
Comparative Literature


2900 Bedford Avenue
11210 Brooklyn, NY
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2022
Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2022