
Department of Comparative Literature, Emroy University

The Emory Comparative Literature Department offers students theoretical and critical exploration of literature and languages across national traditions and disciplinary boundaries. We maintain a strong focus on the specificity of literary and linguistic forms and the crucial role that literariness and the “literary” play in critical and experimental thinking in the humanities and beyond. We also recognize the crucial significance of engaging “languages” more broadly defined, including those languages or symbolic systems that are central to developments in the sciences and in technology. We describe our teaching and research interests with reference to five "signature" areas:

  •  Psychoanalysis, Trauma and Testimony
  •  Deconstruction and Philosophy
  •  Aesthetics, Politics, and Postcolonial Studies
  •  Literary Theory and Religious Discourse
  •  Media, Technology and Human/Posthuman Studies
Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters




Emroy University
Department of Comparative Literature


537 Kilgo Circle
30322 Atlanta, GA
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2022
Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2022