CfP/CfA Publikationen

"Travel Narratives and Real-Life Fiction" ​(Lincoln Humanities Journal, volume 8, Fall 2020)

Deadline Abstract
Deadline Beitrag

"Travel Narratives and Real-Life Fiction"

The Lincoln Humanities Journal, volume 8, Fall 2020

The Lincoln Humanities Journal (ISSN 2474-7726) is requesting article submissions for its 8th special issue, to be published in December 2020, on the topic of Travel Narratives and Real-Life Fiction. Contributors are invited to examine specifically (a) the evolving forms of life-writings (biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, blogs, etc.) as they pertain to travel; (b) the intersection of fictional and factual travel narratives; and (c) the emotional, economic, socio-political, environmental, physiological, and literary aspects of travel (in reality and in fiction; by land, sea and air; on earth and in outer space). We welcome approaches across a broad range of disciplines such as literature, history, political science, anthropology, religion, popular culture, philosophy, visual arts, and social media. Topics may include but are not limited to

  • The concept of travel: historical and philosophical perspectives
  • Travel writing, Life-writing as genre
  • Biofiction, biography, autobiography
  • Travel journalism
  • Travel in film, theater, literature, and television
  • The Internet of places: Pictures and videos of other places, cultures, etc.
  • Modern tourism
  • Adventure  and exploration
  • Travel for business, pleasure, family reunion, aid work
  • Travel for education (study abroad, etc.)
  • Pilgrimage & religious travel
  • Modes of transportation
  • Environmental  impact of travel 
  • Travel to the moon and beyond; The sci-fi connection and influence
  • Tourism in international relations (migration, spying, etc.)
  • Temporary living and/or working abroad (mission, etc.)

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • Deadline for Full Article Submissions:    June 15, 2020
  • Acceptance Notification:                         60 days after submission
  • Projected Date of Publication:                 December 2020         

Submission Guidelines

Include an abstract of 200-400 words (in MS Word) Include a biographical note of 50-250 words (in MS Word) The article should be 4000-6000 words, including the abstract, the footnotes and the works cited Include the following statement in the cover e-mail: “I solemnly confirm that the attached manuscript has never been published elsewhere, under this, or another title." Include name, professional affiliation, phone number, and email address in the cover e-mail.

Formatting Guidelines

Manuscripts should conform to MLA-style guidelines as detailed in recent editions of MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. For an MLA Style Works Cited format overview, please check the following web resource: Use font Georgia # 12. The entire article, including the abstract and the indented quotations, should be double-spaced, and in MS Word. The final submission must comply with other formatting guidelines, to be communicated upon notification of acceptance.

Submission &Review Process

Manuscripts should be sent to the editor, Abbes Maazaoui ( Articles undergo a double blind review and their publication depends on the peer-review process.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Autobiographie, Reiseliteratur, Fiktionalität


ISSN: 2474-7726


Datum der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2020
Letzte Änderung: 03.01.2020