CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen

Poetics among the Disciplines

Deadline Abstract

Poetics before Modernity invites papers on ‘Poetics among the’ Disciplines to be proposed for Scientiae, Amsterdam, 3–6 June 2020

​Gathering scholars working on all aspects of c.1400–1700 intellectual history, the Scientiae conference is the ideal venue for a conversation about where knowledge about imaginative literature fits into the period’s disciplinary map, and how the key developments in the sphere of poetics and literary criticism in this period relate to those in other fields and disciplines—alchemy, astrology, epistemology, magic, medicine, natural history and philosophy, the subjects of the trivium and the quadrivium, theology and biblical exegesis, and the visual, plastic, and performative arts, among others. We invite papers which shed new light on any aspect of this relationship, including, but not limited to:

  • the influence of other fields and disciplines on c.1400–1700 poetic theory, and vice versa
  • the changing place of poetry and poetics in the disciplinary map
  • authors who produced important work in poetics and literary criticism as well as other fields—e.g., Scaliger, Melanchthon, Vettori, Camerarius, Patrizi, Tasso, Bacon, Galileo, Marinella, Vossius, Hobbes, Digby, Cavendish—and the connections between these aspects of their work
  • the perceived place of poetic knowledge within the Aristotelian system
  • the impact of poetic theory on the development of the non-literary—visual, plastic, performative, musical—arts, and vice versa
  • the relationship between poetics and the Reformation/Counter-Reformation
  • theories of mimesis within poetics and without
  • theories of allegory within poetics and without
  • poetics and translation theory
  • practical criticism as a form of knowledge

Please send 250-word abstracts for 20-minute papers, accompanied by a 100-word biographical note, to by 7 January 2020.  A selection of abstracts will be arranged into panels and submitted for consideration by the Scientiae conference committee. Organizers for Poetics before Modernity: Bryan Brazeau ( ), Vladimir Brljak (, Micha Lazarus (

Further information about Poetics before Modernity:

Further information about Scientiae and the Amsterdam conference: and

Download the Conference flyer.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Poetik, Übersetzung allgemein, Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit (14. und 15. Jh.), Literatur des 16. Jahrhunderts, Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts



Datum der Veröffentlichung: 02.12.2019
Letzte Änderung: 02.12.2019