CfP/CfA Publikationen

Call for Paper: Disability in German Literature (Web of Science indexed Jorunal)

Deadline Abstract
Deadline Beitrag

The significance of disability as a social phenomenon has evolved over time, experiencing diverse manifestations. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines disability as impairment, activity limitation, or participation restriction due to health conditions. In the context of the literary representation of disabilities and the associated cultural, social, and political discourses, German literature is increasingly gaining importance as a medium for reflection and critical engagement.

We cordially invite you to contribute to our edited volume titled "Disability in German Literature." This collection will explore a variety of literary works that illuminate the theme of disability from different perspectives, focusing on the examination of the reflection of disability in German literature. The resulting edited volume will be published by Peter Lang Verlag under the series "Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik," indexed in Web of Science: Arts and Humanities (AHCI).

Contributions may address the following areas but are not limited to:

§  Representation of disability in historical context: Analysis of literary works from various epochs that reflect the perception and representation of disability in German-language literature over time.

§  Metaphorical representations of disability: Examination of literary metaphors and symbols representing disabilities in German-language literature and how they influence social discourse.

§  Autobiographical perspectives: Analysis of autobiographies or autobiographically inspired works by German-language authors with disabilities, depicting their individual experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

§  Disability and gender: Exploration of the interactions between disability and gender in German-language literature and how they influence identity formation.

§  Representation of inclusion and exclusion: Examination of the literary representation of inclusive and exclusive social structures experienced by people with disabilities in German-language literature.

§  The motif of "healing" disability: Analysis of literary works where disabilities are perceived as abilities and used as transformative elements in stories.

§  Disability and social norms: Exploration of the confrontation with societal norms regarding disability in German-language literature.

§  Disability and identity: Examination of the connection between disability and identity formation in the works of German-language authors.

§  Ethics and representation of disability: Engagement with the ethical challenges in the literary representation of disabilities.

§  Reception and impact: Analysis of readers' reactions and the societal impact of literary works addressing disability.

Submission Deadlines and Schedule:

§  November 30, 2023: Submission of abstracts

§  April 1, 2024: Submission of full articles

Submission Guidelines:

Please send your abstracts and inquiries regarding the edited volume to We look forward to collecting high-quality contributions that shed light on the theme of "Disability in German Literature" from various perspectives, contributing to the expansion of the literary discourse on disability.

Best regards

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz



Marmara Universität
Abteilung für deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Beitrag von: Habib Tekin
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2023
Letzte Änderung: 10.11.2023