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Displaying results 1 to 15 of 107.

  1. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 28.06.2024
    „‚Tipping Points‘. Balanceakte in der Literatur und Kultur“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (28. Juni 2024)
    Submitted by: Ben Sulzbacher

    In Zeiten großer Unsicherheit ob der (In-)Stabilität von Strukturen aller Arten sehen sich die Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften mehr denn je mit Fragen nach Verantwortung, Abhängigkeiten und Verletzlichkeit konfrontiert: Die Verstrickung von...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary historiography,  Literary theory and 11 more
    Created on: 24.06.2024
  2. Moritz Klenk
    University or institution: Hochschule Mannheim
    Fields of research: Literary historiography; Literary theory; Poststructuralism; Deconstruction; Empirical Aesthetics; Media studies; Oral poetry / Orality; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and sociology; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and philosophy

  3. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 05.05.2024
    Bin ichʼs oder bin ichʼs nicht? Bachmanns Echos. Ein Nachwuchs-Kolloquium
    Submitted by: Henrike Ribbe

    * English version see below* Ort der Veranstaltung: Literaturhaus München / Ausstellung „Ingeborg Bachmann. ‚Ich bin es nicht. Ich bin ʼ s.‘“ (Mai – November 2024) Datum: Fr., 25. und Sa., 26. Oktober 2024 ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Poststructuralism,  Deconstruction and 5 more
    Created on: 05.04.2024
  4. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 23.04.2024
    Call for Abstracts: Studientag: „‚Tipping Points‘. Balanceakte in der Literatur und Kultur“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (28. Juni 2024)
    Submitted by: Ben Sulzbacher

    Frist für Einreichungen: 23. April 2024 In Zeiten großer Unsicherheit ob der (In-)Stabilität von Strukturen aller Arten sehen sich die Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften mehr denn je mit Fragen nach Verantwortung, Abhängigkeiten und...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary historiography,  Literary theory and 11 more
    Created on: 14.03.2024
  5. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.05.2024
    New Readings on Russian Formalism at the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History: Primary Insights and Perspectives for Future Research
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    MODERNITAS (MSH - ULB) invites paper-proposal abstracts for consideration in the international workshop: New Readings on Russian Formalism at the Crossroads of Slavic Cultural History: Primary...

    Fields of research Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine),  Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary),  Literary theory and 9 more
    Created on: 26.02.2024
  6. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.04.2024
    Das schlechte Bilderbuch – Zu einer seltenen, aber notwendigen Wertungspraxis in der Kinderliteraturkritik, online
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Das schlechte Bilderbuch – Zu einer seltenen, aber notwendigen Wertungspraxis in der Kinderliteraturkritik (Zoom-Tagung vom 25.-27.07.2024) In der Praxis der institutionalisierten Kinderliteraturkritik fällt zweierlei besonders...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Didactics of Literature,  Hermeneutics and 5 more
    Created on: 12.02.2024
  7. OTHERNESSES – Towards Humanisms Beyond BorderThinking
    Submitted by: Diana Mariam Popal

    A Workspace for anti-violent, anti-racist, Postcolonial and Decolonial Thought as Praxis Othernesses provides a platform for critical exchange and dialogue on an international and cross-disciplinary level between different critical...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Poststructuralism,  Deconstruction and 6 more
    Created on: 04.12.2023
  8. Tobias Schmidt
    University or institution: Universität Erfurt
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literary theory; Structuralism; Poststructuralism; Literature and other forms of art; Prose; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  9. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 30.11.2023
    PhD Research Position (male/female/diverse), »Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe«, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, befristet auf 3 Jahre (TV-L E13 65 %)
    Submitted by: Christian Scheerhorn

    The project »Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe« at the Media Faculty of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is hiring a Research Assistant (male/female/diverse) The PhD research position is funded through a...

    Fields of research North African literature,  Poststructuralism,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies and 4 more
    Created on: 09.10.2023
  10. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 20.10.2023
    The Tropes of Theory
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Ort: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Organisiert von Zaal Andronikashvili (ZfL), Susanne Strätling (FU Berlin) Annual workshop of the Research Committee on Literary Theory of the International...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Poststructuralism,  New Historicism and 6 more
    Created on: 11.08.2023
  11. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 20.09.2023
    1 Promotionsstelle (65% TVL 13) mit einem Forschungsschwerpunkt auf außereuropäischen Literaturen und/oder Künsten
    Submitted by: Marlen Stelter

    Das DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2291 „Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses“ der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn besetzt zum 01. Januar 2024 befristet für 3 Jahre eine Promotionsstelle als ...

    Fields of research Ibero-American literature (incl. Caribbean),  North African literature,  Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa and 17 more
    Created on: 07.08.2023
  12. Björn Weyand
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Structuralism; Poststructuralism; New Historicism; Postcolonial studies; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Prose; travel literature; Literature of the 17th century; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  13. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 23.06.2023
    4. Studientag der Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft: „Über Menschen… und darüber hinaus“ (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 14.07.2023)
    Submitted by: Ben Sulzbacher

    Die studies haben in den letzten Jahren Hochkonjunktur: von den animal über die plant bis hin zu den critical future studies – verhandelt wird die Stellung des Menschen in einem Geflecht wechselseitiger Abhängigkeiten. Was ist...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Digital Humanities,  Literary theory and 13 more
    Created on: 05.06.2023
  14. Joséphine Jacquier
    University or institution: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
    Fields of research: French literature; Italian literature; Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; Poststructuralism; Reader-response criticism; Feminist studies; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and philosophy; Literature and visual studies; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Lyric poetry; Aesthetics; Rhetorical figure (allegory, symbol, metaphor); Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.); Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  15. Marcella Fassio
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Poststructuralism; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Media studies; Narratology; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and cultural studies; Intermediality; Prose; autobiography; Digital literature; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century