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Zeige Ergebnisse 46 bis 60 von 133.

  1. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Narrative Fiction and its Alternatives Forms (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    In the academic world, there is a constant exploration of new forms, genres, philosophies, and directions—reworking established concepts and creating new ones. While storytelling initially existed in verbal speech and gestures, modern mediums such as...

    Forschungsgebiete Gattungspoetik,  Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie
    Erstellt am: 04.08.2023
  2. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Extending Jouissance: The Excessive and The Transgressive in Contemporary Texts (NeMLA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Jouissance, the iconic Lacanian concept, means “surplus enjoyment,” where excessive pleasure converts into unpleasure and even pain after going beyond the subject’s affective or sensory capacity. Inherited from Freudian psychoanalysis, combined with...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie,  Intermedialität,  Ästhetik , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 04.08.2023
  3. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 29.09.2023
    She Said, He Said, They Said: (Un)Reliable Narrators in Literature (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    From monologues offering invectives about various characters in Shakespearean plays and poetry; suspicious narrations involving characters in Hawthorne’s short stories and novels; distrustful narrators in Marge Percy’s sci-fi stories, novels and...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Erzähltheorie,  Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts , und 2 weitere
    Erstellt am: 28.07.2023
  4. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    The Senses and War (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    How do authors describe the sensory reality of war? What are the sounds of war, the smells of war (the textures, visuals, taste of war)? How are these described and how do they differ? These are questions that remain of interest to historians and...

    Forschungsgebiete Ecocriticism,  Interdisziplinarität,  Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie , und 3 weitere
    Erstellt am: 24.07.2023
  5. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Re-engaging with the Old Myths: Contemporary Literature, Women, and Classics (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Re-engaging with the Old Myths: Contemporary Literature, Women, and Classics Novels and literary works that adapt Classical figures and text continue to be very popular, such as Natalie Haynes’s A Thousand Ships, Pat Barker’s The Silence of the...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literatur und Theologie/Religionswissenschaften,  Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie , und 3 weitere
    Erstellt am: 24.07.2023
  6. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Poetry Is Dead? Long Live Spoken Word! (Conference Panel) (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This is a call for paper for the NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) 2024 panel on spoken word poetry. The convention will take place in Boston from 7th to 10th March 2024. The panel addresses the limited critical engagement with the rich...

    Forschungsgebiete Oral poetry / Mündlichkeit,  Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies
    Erstellt am: 24.07.2023
  7. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Where is the Cognitive Turn Today? (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Subject Fields German History / Studies Where is the Cognitive Turn Today? (NeMLA '24, Boston MA, March 7-10, 2024) This panel addresses the current state of the ‘cognitive turn’ in German Studies. Abstracts are invited that...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Interdisziplinarität , und 4 weitere
    Erstellt am: 24.07.2023
  8. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    No Critique Left Behind: Learning to Read in a Postcritique Era (NeMLA 2024) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    La nouvelle critique emerged in the 1960s to challenge traditional methods of French literary criticism. Works such as Roland Barthes’s S/Z inaugurated a new generation of scholarship, offering a radical break from mainstream academicism. But...

    Forschungsgebiete Literaturtheorie
    Erstellt am: 21.07.2023
  9. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Music in Literature (NeMLA 2024) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The proposed interdisciplinary panel examines the rich relationship of music and the literary works within various European literatures focusing primarily on the period from mid-nineteenth to the twentieth century, but presentations within a broader...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Musik/Sound Studies,  Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts,  Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  10. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Translation Studies, NeMLA 2024 (NeMLA 2024, March 7-10, 2024) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Contemporary translation theory reflects the breakdown in the traditional dichotomy “author” versus “translator,” since it views the translator no longer as a subordinate figure to the author, but as an equal co-creator of the literary work, who...

    Forschungsgebiete Übersetzung allgemein,  Übersetzungstheorie
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  11. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Dostoevsky's Women and the Image of the Femme Fatale in the European Novel (NeMLA 2024) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The creative legacy of Dostoevsky left a memorable gallery of extraordinary female characters, from Sonia in Crime and Punishment to Grushen'ka in Brothers Karamazov and Nastasia Philippovna in The Idiot. The proposed session will analyze the complex...

    Forschungsgebiete Osteuropäische Literatur (Baltikum, Russland, Ukraine),  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Roman , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  12. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Writing in the “alterity industry”: Marginalized authors and the politics of publishing (NeMLA) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    In his 2001 book The Postcolonial Exotic, Graham Huggan describes book publishing as an “alterity industry” profiting from “the commodification of cultural difference” (12), in which authors of underrepresented backgrounds must balance their...

    Forschungsgebiete Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie,  Literatur und Soziologie,  Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies , und 2 weitere
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  13. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Insignificant Notations: Thinking Surplus with the New York School (NeMLA) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This panel invites papers that theorize the surplus of a literary object as something accidentally produced by that object. What is the substance and effect of this surplus? How is surplus figured in poetry, especially in poetics in or working in...

    Forschungsgebiete Literaturtheorie,  Poetik,  Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  14. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Émigré Berlin: The Russian Diaspora in Exile (NeMLA 2024) (Northeast MLA (NeMLA) Convention 2024) (Boston, MA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The Russian émigré community in Berlin arose in response to one political crisis and was destroyed by another soon after. Before its destruction, however, the exuberance of émigré Berlin combined the energy of a lively Western city undergoing a...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz,  Osteuropäische Literatur (Baltikum, Russland, Ukraine),  Gender Studies/Queer Studies , und 2 weitere
    Erstellt am: 19.07.2023
  15. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2022
    NeMLA 2023: 'The Social Hieroglyphic': Modernist Reading Practices and their Afterlives
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Anticipating notions of modern cryptography, Marx famously observed in Capital Vol. I, that value “does not have its description branded on its forehead; it rather transforms every product of labour into a social hieroglyphic.” Therefore, to...

    Forschungsgebiete Rezeptionsästhetik,  Literatur und Soziologie,  Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
    Erstellt am: 26.09.2022