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Zeige Ergebnisse 16 bis 30 von 133.

  1. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2024
    Bodies in (R)Evolution: Labor, Embodiment, and Resistance (NeMLA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The covid-19 pandemic not only sparked conversations on the gendered division of household chores and care but also brought to light the paradox of the “essential-worker.” Despite being deemed “essential” to society, these workers-often women,...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literatur und andere Künste,  Literatur und Soziologie
    Erstellt am: 22.07.2024
  2. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2024
    “Reader, I Met Him”: First Encounters in Fiction (NeMLA 2025)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Near the end of Jane Eyre, the title character famously says, “Reader, I married him.” It is a wedding her readers have expected and waited for, yet it comes after a rather inauspicious first meeting. Fiction is full of first meetings. While a...

    Forschungsgebiete Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie
    Erstellt am: 17.06.2024
  3. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Post-Colonialism and the Struggle for Identity (NeMLA 2024)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This panel will focus on the struggles for identity that have arisen in the post-colonial era. It will examine how the legacy of colonialism has impacted identity formation and the construction of national and cultural identities in Africa, Europe,...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie,  Literatur und Soziologie , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 25.09.2023
  4. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 23.09.2023
    Humanités excédentaires et animalisations (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Ce séminaire explorera la discursivité des processus de déshumanisation, et en particulier d’animalisation, à l’encontre des personnes en marge du système dominant, et réciproquement les stratégies de retournement du stigmate déployées par...

    Forschungsgebiete Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie,  Rhetorik
    Erstellt am: 01.09.2023
  5. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Reimagining Premodern Disability: Excess, Surplus, Gain (NEMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This panel puts forward premodern disability as enhancement, surplus, or even reward, drawing from the concept of “disability gain,” coined by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Fox, Krings, Vierke, 2019), to reformulate disability as gain, instead of loss,...

    Forschungsgebiete Interdisziplinarität,  Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies,  Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie , und 6 weitere
    Erstellt am: 23.08.2023
  6. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Troublesome Matters: Materiality through Literature, Film, and Comics (NeMLA)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This roundtable is being organized as part of NeMLA 2024 , centered around the theme of SURPLUS . Description: We live in a world brimming with tangible entities. The material reality we are enmeshed in fascinates us yet also...

    Forschungsgebiete Ibero-Amerikanische Literatur (einschl. Karibik),  Ecocriticism,  Literatur und Soziologie , und 4 weitere
    Erstellt am: 23.08.2023
  7. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Corporeal Technologies: Modifying and Augmenting the Body (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The intersection of technology and the human body has given rise to a myriad of possibilities that transform our perception of self, relationships, and the world around us. In this panel, we will delve into representations of corporeal technologies...

    Forschungsgebiete Französische Literatur,  Nordafrikanische Literatur,  Literatur aus Afrika südlich der Sahara , und 6 weitere
    Erstellt am: 23.08.2023
  8. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    (Re)reading feminist speculative fiction post-Roe v. Wade (2024 Northeast Modern Language Association )
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    In the introduction to the collection Technologies of Speculative Fiction (2022), Sherryl Vint writes, “The same technologies that now give women more options regarding reproductive choices are simultaneously utilized by the Christian Right to...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literatur und Soziologie,  Fiktionalität , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 21.08.2023
  9. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Spectacle and Empathy: The Role of Excessive (Em)Body(ment) in Narrative (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Narratives need bodies. Stories are populated by characters whose bodies serve as focalizers for our experience of the narrated world. Certain genres, like body horror, pornography or fanfiction, are predicated on bodily excess, “spill[ing] out over...

    Forschungsgebiete Poetik,  Ästhetik,  Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie
    Erstellt am: 21.08.2023
  10. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Balkanising Classics: Theorising a New Perspective on Greco-Roman Antiquity (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Two conceptual territories bracket Europe’s imaginary geography: Greco-Roman Antiquity and the modern Balkans. According to Artemis Leontis, an “abstract principle of territorial identification” ties the political and cultural life of both modern...

    Forschungsgebiete Südosteuropäische Literatur (Albanien, Balkanstaaten, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Rumänien, Türkei),  Literatur der Antike (bis 5. Jh. n. Chr.)
    Erstellt am: 21.08.2023
  11. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Intersectional Crime Fiction: Investigating the Genre (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    This panel examines the continuum of intersectional crime fiction writing in a U.S. context, illuminating the methods, exemplary texts, and narrative strategies that embrace inclusive tenets and movements, from Black Lives Matter to LGBTQ+ rights to...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Nordamerika,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 21.08.2023
  12. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Pregnancy Loss in Contemporary Literature and Film (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Please consider submitting an abstract for the 2024 NeMLA Convention: This panel aims to examine how elective, therapeutic, spontaneous abortions, and stillbirths are represented in work of literature and cinema from an interdisciplinary and...

    Forschungsgebiete Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literatur und Naturwissenschaften,  Intermedialität , und 3 weitere
    Erstellt am: 14.08.2023
  13. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    “Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make”: The Prison(er) in Literature and Film (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Imprisoned in 1642, Richard Lovelace penned the words that became his best-known: “Stone walls do not a prison make,/Nor iron walls a cage:/Minds innocent and quiet take/That for a hermitage” (“To Althea, From Prison”). Lovelace’s poem points to...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie,  Literatur und Medienwissenschaften,  Intermedialität , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 14.08.2023
  14. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    Saying the Unsayable: Narrative Experimentations in the Representation of Trauma (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Trauma is typically considered ‘responsive to and constitutive of “modernity”’ (Micale and Lerner 2001). Certainly, as argued by Mark Seltzer, ‘modernity has come to be understood under the sign of the wound’: ‘the modern subject has become...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie,  Poetik,  Fiktionalität , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 14.08.2023
  15. Rubrik: CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen
    Deadline Abstract: 30.09.2023
    From Biopolitics to Ecoaesthetics: Legacies of Encroachment(s) (French and Francophone Studies (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins,” is a popular ( Zechariah Chafee, 1919) is a popular aphorism in legal imaginaries that theoretically synthesizes the scope of concepts such as freedom, power, and...

    Forschungsgebiete Französische Literatur,  Literatur aus Afrika südlich der Sahara,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies , und 1 weitere
    Erstellt am: 14.08.2023