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Ergebnisse für *

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 3 von 3.

  1. Rubrik: Hochschulinstitute
    Institutionen: Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
    Department of Comparative Thought and Literature, Johns Hopkins University
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The faculty of the Department of Comparative Thought and Literature shares an ongoing commitment to questions at the intersection of literature, philosophy, and aesthetics. Central to these concerns is the analysis of literary and philosophical...

    Erstellt am: 22.08.2022
  2. Rubrik: Stipendien
    Bewerbungsfrist: 15.01.2022
    5-Year Fellowships for Graduate Students, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The German program at the Johns Hopkins University invites applications for PhD students to begin in Fall 2022, with 5 years of generous funding to be offered to all admitted graduate students. The program at Johns Hopkins is among the most...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz,  Literaturtheorie,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies , und 5 weitere
    Erstellt am: 29.11.2021
  3. Rubrik: Konferenzen, Tagungen
    Beginn: 10.03.2022
    NeMLA 2022 conference: NeMLA's 53rd Annual Convention
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The 2022 NeMLA conference theme is CARE. We understand CARE as the practice of interdependency, admitting our vulnerabilities as humans, animals, and other living organisms of the Anthropocene. The NeMLA theme of CARE will embrace but not be limited...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Nordamerika,  Literaturgeschichtsschreibung (Geschichte; Theorie),  Literaturtheorie , und 4 weitere
    Erstellt am: 05.07.2021