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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 6 von 6.

  1. Rubrik: Verschiedenes (Sommerschulen u. a.)
    Beginn: 01.04.2020
    Global Grammars, Local Accents: London’s Diasporic Poetries Tickets
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Global Grammars, Local Accents: London’s Diasporic Poetries Tickets, Wed 1 Apr 2020 at 17:30 Hosted by Dr David Anderson and Dr Nicola Thomas, this event will bring together three London-based poets, critics and translators for a discussion...

    Forschungsgebiete Poetik
    Erstellt am: 09.03.2020
  2. Rubrik: Wissenschaftliche Stellen
    Bewerbungsfrist: 08.12.2019
    Lecturer in German with Comparative Cultural Studies, Queen Mary University of London
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Queen Mary University of London is one of the UK’s leading research-focused universities and a member of the Russell Group with an outstanding reputation in the humanities and social sciences. The School of Languages, Linguistics and Film is...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz,  Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies
    Erstellt am: 18.11.2019
  3. Rubrik: Forschungsgruppen
    Institutionen: Queen Mary College, University of London,  Centre for Childhood Cultures (CCC),  V&A Museum of Childhood
    Children's Literature, Children's Lives (research cluster)
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Children's Literature Children's Lives is part of the Centre for Childhood Cultures (CCC). This is a partnership between the V&A Museum of Childhood and Queen Mary University of London which fosters research on childhood culture, from literature,...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies,  Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
    Erstellt am: 27.05.2019
  4. Rubrik: Hochschulinstitute
    Institutionen: Queen Mary College, University of London
    Department of Comparative Literature and Culture, Queen Mary University of London
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Our staff engage in interdisciplinary research and research-led teaching of literatures and cultures from the European countries to China, South Asia and Australia, covering different periods and sharing a focus on World Literature. The intellectual...

    Forschungsgebiete Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies
    Erstellt am: 27.05.2019
  5. Rubrik: Konferenzen, Tagungen
    Beginn: 14.06.2019
    Canon? Practice? Commodity? The Past, Present and Future of the Literary Anthology
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    The power of the anthology as an instrument of knowledge production has long been recognised, and, since the 1980s, the genre has been problematised and contested both within specific instantiations and in scholarly research which takes the anthology...

    Forschungsgebiete Literaturtheorie,  Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies
    Erstellt am: 27.05.2019
  6. Rubrik: Wissenschaftliche Stellen
    Bewerbungsfrist: 14.05.2019
    Lecturer in World Literature, Queen Mary University of London, School of English & Drama
    Beitrag von: Redaktion

    Location: London Salary: £41,682 per annum incl. London allowance (grade 5). Hours: Full Time Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract Placed On: 15 th April 2019 ...

    Forschungsgebiete Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie,  World Literature/Weltliteratur
    Erstellt am: 10.05.2019