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Zeige Ergebnisse 176 bis 200 von 704.
Derush tefilat yesharim
hu she-lamadeti ṿe-darashti ani Yaʿvets ... rav a.b.d. be-ḳ.ḳ. Emden be-shabat Shuvah 491 ... ṿe-hi ḥulya aḥat mi-Sefer ha-ḳeshurim le-Yaʿakoṿ ... ṿe-nosaf ʿalaṿ Ḥoli Ketem -
Kisseōt le-bēt Dāwid -
Fan-i difāʿ
Sēfer maśśā melek
Sefer yemin Moshe
Sēfer ʿaśārā maamārōt šeḥibbar ... ham meqûbbāl ...
Sopra Demetrio Falereo il Panigarola
Mašbit Milḥāmōt
[Beendigung die Kriege; Polemische Abhandlungen über das Frauenbad] -
Pērûš ʾal ham-masōrā
Duca Michaelis Duca nepotis historia Byzantina res in imperio Graecorum gestas complectens: a Joanne Palaeologo I ad Mehemetem II
Accessit Chronicon Breve, quo Graecorum, Venetorum & Turcorum aliquot gesta continentur ; E Bibliotheca Regia nunc primùm in lucem edita, versione Latina, & Notes illustrata ; Studio & opera Ismaelis Bullialdi -
Sopra Demetrio Falereo il Panigarola
Megillat setarim
[Supercomm. zu Abr. Ibn Esra über den Pentat.] -
Mr. William Prynn his Defence of Stage-Plays, or a Retraction of a former Book of his called Histrio-Mastix
Argus Hemericus sive index vocabulorum in omnia Homeri poemata cum rerum, epitheterum, et phrasium insiginorum annotatione catalogo item Graeco-Latino vocabulorum quibus apud Homerum et ex co in-indice adiecta sunt epitheta
Omnia accurante Wolfgango Sebero -
Sēfer rāṣûf ahabā
Poetischer Trichter. Die Teutsche Dicht- und Reimkunst/ ohne Behuf der Lateinischen Sprache/ in VI. Stunden einzugiessen
Elegantiarum Latini Sermonis Praeceptiones Aliquot
In gratiam Studiosae Iuventutis Collectae, cum Ciceronianis, tum Aliorum Bonorum Authorum exemplis illustratae, Omnibus in corruptae propriis ... Latinitatis Cupidis utiles & necessariae -
Asnād-i muṣawwar-i urūpāʾiyān az Īrān
az awāʾil-i qurūn-i wusṭa tā awāḫir-i qarn-i hīǧdahum -
Arǧnāma-i Marʿašiyān
guzīda-i maqālātī dar pāsdāšt-i ḥaḍrat-i āyatallāh al-ʿuẓmā ʿallāma Saiyid Šihāb-ad-Dīn Marʿašī Naǧafī wa ḥaḍrat-i ḥuǧǧat al-islām wa al-muslimīn Saiyid Maḥmūd Marʿašī Naǧafī -
Europäische Hochschulschriften
= European university studies = Publications universitaires européennes – Reihe 13, Französische Sprache und Literatur = Langue et littérature françaises = French language and literature -
Cinta Kyoʿ Sū 1098-1133
Kunḥ-bhoṅ-khet cā-chui-tō cinta-kyō-sū Ūḥ O anhac ၂၀၀ mrok kvay-lvan-nẹ athimḥ-amhat aphrac mranmā cā-reḥ-cha-rā-myāḥ-ka cu-poṅḥ-reḥ-sāḥ-pū-jō 'rve mranmā prạn-ka guṇ-pru thut-ve-saññ -
al-@Wasīṭ fī tarāǧim udabāʾ Šinqīṭ
wa-'l-kalām ʿalā tilka 'l-bilād taḥdīdan wa-taḫṭīṭan wa-ʿādātihim wa-aḫlāqihim wa-mā yataʿallaqu bi-ḏālika -
or a dissection of the significative muscles of the affections of the minde ; being an essay to a new method of observing the most important movings of the muscles of the jead, as they are the neerest and immediate organs of the boluntarie or impetuous motions of the mind ; with the proposal of a new nomenclature of the muscles