Letzte Suchanfragen
Ergebnisse für *
Zeige Ergebnisse 126 bis 150 von 246.
Raden Kamandaka
Seh Amongraga
Jaladara rabi Wrediningsih
Serat Babad Pati
Prabu Nala
Serat Cebolek
Serat Cemporet
Serat Bratayuda
Serat Wira Iswara
Serat Anglingdarma
Cekel Endralaya
The Indonesian Mahābhārata
translated from the original classical Kawi text -
een Javaansch tooneelstuk (Wajang) -
Sang hyang Kamahâyânikan
Oud-Javaansche tekst -
Kajian bentuk dan lagu kidungan Jawa Timuran
Kitab Injil Panganggitipun Markus saking basa Yunani
Javanese literature since independence
Kidung Pañji Margasmara
a Middle Javanese romance -
Javanese literature since independence
an anthology -
The book of Cabolèk
a critical edition with introduction, translation and notes ; a contribution to the study of the Javanese mystical tradition -
Srikandhi dances lnggr
a performance of music and shadow theater -
Reizen van Raden Mas Arjo Poerwo Lelono
the death of Bhoma