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O metodzie krytyki literackiej w dobie Oświecenia
Gutes Deutsch kann jeder lernen
Leitfaden für Briefstil und gutes Deutsch -
I romanzi fiorentini di Giovanni Verga
atti -
Le roman bourgeois
The Chinese vernacular story
Stravaganze d'amore
comedia -
Die Edda
Götterdichtung, Spruchweisheit und Heldengesänge der Germanen -
The multiple perspective
Wilhelm Raabe's third-person narratives of the Braunschweig period -
The boundaries of genre
Dostoevsky's Diary of a writer and the traditions of literary utopia -
Die satirische Kurzprosa Heinrich Bölls
Zur Funktion antiker Göttermythen in der Lyrik Osip Mandel'štams
La versificación imitativa en Fernando de Herrera
Laforgue y Lugones
dos poetas de la luna -
Yeats on Yeats
the last introduction and the "Dublin" edition -
Frühe sozialistische satirische Prosa
L'ultimo Pound
Tennyson's craft
The man who wanted to know everything
Feminist readings
French texts/American contexts -
Towards a theory of description
Il conoscitore del caos
una "vis abdita" nel linguaggio tassesco -
The nineteenth-century Anglo-Jewish novel
Sir William Davenant
A study of Cīvakacintāmaṇi
particulary from the point of view of interaction of Sanskrit language and literature with Tamil