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S. Isaaci Antiocheni doctoris Syrorum, opera omnia. Ex omnibus, quotquot extant, codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lectione Syriace Arabiceque primus edidit, Latine vertit, prolegomenis et glossario auxit G. Bickell.
Aristoteles bei den Syrern vom V.-VIII. Jahrhundert
syrische Texte -
An ancient Syriac translation of the Ḳur'ān exhibiting new verses and variants
Talmudic logic
An ancient Syriac translation of the Ḳur'ān exhibiting new verses and variants
[Syriac Bible]
The marvels found in the great cities and in the seas and on the islands
a representative of 'Aǧā'ib Literature in Syriac -
The laughable stories
Die älteste lateinische Übersetzung des Buches Baruch
Zum ersten Male herausgegeben -
The works of Cyrillona
An ancient Syriac translation of the Ḳur'ān exhibiting new verses and variants
Wörterbuch Deutsch - Syrisch - Englisch A2
Lernwortschatz A2 Sprachkurs Deutsch zum erfolgreichen Selbstlernen für TeilnehmerInnen aus Syrien -
Konkordanz zur syrischen Bibel
Der Pentateuch -
The Syro-Latin text of the gospels
Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung
Das Buch von der Erkenntniss der Wahrheit oder der Ursache aller Ursachen
Lexicon lingvae Syriacae
The Pentateuch in the version of the Syro-Hexapla
a fac-simile edition of a Midyat ms. discovered 1964 -
Remnants of the later Syriac versions of the Bible
in two parts ; Part I: New Testament, the four minor catholic epistles in the original Philoxenian version, of the sixth century, and the history of the woman taken in adultery (st. John VII. 53-VIII. 12); Part II: Old Testament: Extracts (hitherto inedited) from the Syro-Hexaplar version, of the seventh century, after the Greek of the LXX. Genesis: Leviticus: 1 and 2 chronicles: Nehemiah -
Ressembler au monde
nouveaux documents sur la théorie du macro-microcosme dans l'antiquité orientale -
The Gospel of Mark in the Syriac Harklean version
an edition based upon the earliest witnesses -
The odes and psalms of Solomon
now first published from the Syriac version -
Classical Syriac
a basic grammar with a chrestomathy -
A letter of Philoxenus of Mabbug sent to a novice
Inedita Syriaca
eine Samlung syrischer Übersetzungen von Schriften griechischer Profanliteratur ; aus den Handschriften des Britischen Museums