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Finnische Runen
Die gute Sache : Eine Aufforderung zu sagen, was sie sei, an alle, die es zu wissen meinen, veranlaßt durch des Verfassers letzte Begegnisse in Berlin
Mêjuy edebî kurdî
Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober
Ein Mährchen -
Freye Stimmen frischer Jugend.
Ludwig der Baier
Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen -
Vlphilae Partivm Ineditarvm In Ambrosianis Palimpsestis Ab Angelo Maio Repertarvm Specimen
Neue Allemannische Gedichte
The North American review and miscellaneous journal
The British review, and London critical journal
The poetical register and repository of fugitive poetry
Monthly repository of theology and general literature
The Port Folio
a monthly magazine, devoted to useful science, the liberal arts, legitimate criticism and polite literature -
The eclectic repertory and analytical review, medical and philosophical
Belles-lettres repository, and monthly magazine
Literary and musical magazine
The literary magazine and American register
The Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany
The literary gazette and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences etc.
The annual review and history of literature
or register of literature -
The monthly epitome or, readers their own reviews
The kaleidoscope
or, literary and scientific mirror ; containing a variety of original and select articles, literature, men and manners, amusement, criticism, elegant extracts, poetry, etc. -
Biblioteca Italiana ossia Giornale di letteratura, scienze ed arti
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine
Beyträge zur Kenntniss der altdeutschen Sprache und Litteratur