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Ichnēlatōntas tēn Kōnstantinoupolē
[exhibition:] The Holy Theological School of Halki, Pringiponissa & Sismanoglio Megaro, Istanbul, 28-08-2010/ 23-09-2010 ; "Technopolis, Athens, 4 - 31/10/2010 = İstanbul'un izini sürmek = Tracing Istanbul -
Strabons Geographika
<<Ē>> byzantinē «iera exetasē» kai ē Kypros
amphisbētēsē kai katastolē stēn koinōnia tēn epochē tōn Komnēnōn (1081 - 1180) -
Oneiro apo sokolata
O stauros stē byzantinē mnēmeiakē zōgraphikē
ē leiturgia kai to dogmatiko tu periechomeno -
O Katēs kai o mpontikos
kritikē ekdosē, eisagōgē, scholia, glōssario -
Brill's companion to the study of Greek comedy
Synoptikē statistikē epetērida tēs Hellados / Ethnikē Statistikē Hypēresia tēs Hellados
= Concise statistical yearbook of Greece -
Mēniaio statistiko deltio / Ethnikē Statistikē Hypēresia tēs Hellados
= Monthly statistical bulletin -
periodiko thēorias kai kritikēs = Gramma : journal of theory and criticism -
Ephrem the Syrian transmitted and transmuted in Greek and Slavonic
aspects of the reception of Sermo Asceticus in the Slavonic world ; an academic essay in theology -
Alle gentili arti ammaestra
studi in onore di Alkistis Proiou -
Grégoire de Narek, Commentaire sur le Cantique des Cantiques
Passato remoto
età mitiche e identità augustea in Ovidio -
mēniaia epitheōrēsē tu bibliu -
grammata, technes, politismos ; trimēnio periodiko -
logotechniko periodiko -
logotechniko periodiko -
The Armenian version of the Greek Ecclesiastical Canons
A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (GALex)
Materials for a Dictionary of the Mediaeval Translations from Greek into Arabic -
Poeti greci del Novecento
periodiko thēorias kai kritikēs = Gramma : journal of theory and criticism -
Ergatikes statistikes
= Labour statistics – Seira 4, Ereuna ergatiku dynamiku = Series 4, Labour force survey -
Jannis Ritsos
Literatur in Zeiten politischer Repression ; zum 100. Geburtstag des Dichters (1909 - 1990) -
Byzantina Symmeikta