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The book of the Icelanders
(Íslendingabók) -
Arii Thorgilsis Filii, cognomentô Froda, id est Multiscii vel Polyhistoris, in Islandia qvondam Presbyteri, Primi in Septentrione Historici, Schedae, seu Libellus de Is-landia, Islendinga-Bok dictus
E veteri Islandica, vel, si mavis, Danica antiquâ, Septentrionalibus olim communi Lingvâ, in Latinam versus ac præter necessarios Indices, qvorum unus est Lexici instar, brevibus notîs & Chronologiâ præmissa qvoqve Auctoris vitâ illustratus -
<<The>> book of the Icelanders
= <<The>> book of the Icelanders