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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 25 von 67.
The Pancharâtra of Bhâsa
The Jânakîpariṇaya of Chakrakavi
The Kirātārjunīya
with the commentary <Ghaṇṭāpatha> of Mallinātha and various readings -
The Kathâsaritsâgara
The Sâmbapanchâśikâ
The Sûryaśataka
The Latakamelaka
The Gâthâsaptaśatî of Sâtavâhana
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der vedischen Schulen
The Amaruśataka of Amaruka
= Amaruśatakam -
The Unmatta-Rāghava of Bhāskara Bhatta
= Unmattarāghavam -
The Mukundānda Bhāṇa of Kâśîpati
= Mukundānandabhāṇaḥ -
Śri-Vidyānātha-kṛtaṃ Pratāparudrayaśobhūsaṇam ... Kumārasvāmi-viracita-Ratnāpaṇākhyaṭīkayā sametaṃ
The Pārijātaharaṇachampū of Śesa Śrīkrishṇa
= Pārijātaharaṇacampūḥ -
The Kāvyālankārasūtras of Vāmana with his own Vritti
= Kāvyālaṃkārasūtrāṇi -
The Pratijnâyaugandharâyana of Bhâsa
The Mâlavikâgnimitra
a Sanskrit play -
Parts of Nala and Hitopadeça in English letters
The Gṛihyasūtra of Hiranyakeśin
with extracts from the commentary of Mātṛidatta = Hiraṇyakeśigṛhyasūtram -
The Mâlavikâgnimitra
a Sanskrit play -
<<Das>> Sukṛitasaṁkîrtana des Arisiṁha
Rasagaṅgádhara: a treatise on the art of poetical composition = Rasa-gaṅgādhara-nāmakam Alaṅkāra-śāstram śrī-Jagannātha-paṇḍita-rāja-viracitam
<<The>> Mâlavikâgnimitra
a Sanskrit play