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From Ephrem to Romanos
interactions between Syriac and Greek in Late Antiquity -
Greek oratory
tradition and originality -
Greek and Roman studies -
<<Die>> Dichtung Crisias <sive> De signis praecedentibus iudicium des Hilarion von Verona
kritische Textausgabe, Übersetzung und Studien zur Rezeption des Antichristmythos in der italienischen Renaissance -
Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae
The poetical fragments and the Erōtika pathēmata
[extant works] -
Die Pseudoklementinen
Aeschylus, Seven against Thebes
Euripides, Phoenissae
La supplica
rituale, istituzione sociale e tema epico in Omero -
Three Aeginetan odes of Pindar
a commentary on Nemean V, Nemean III and Pythian VIII -
Libri I-X
Amor, roma
love & Latin literature ; eleven essays (and one poem) by former research students ; presented to E. J. Kenney on his seventy-fifth birthday -
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
BCH = Deltion hellēnikēs allēlographias -
Three Aeginetan odes of Pindar
a commentary on Nemean V, Nemean III and Pythian VIII -
Greek and Roman studies -
Discourses of power ; grammar and rhetoric in the Middle Ages
Autour de la langue grecque moderne
actes du XVe Colloque des Néo-Hellénistes des Universités Francophones ; Paris, Inalco, 29 - 30 - 31 mai 1997 -
Tra filosofia e poesia
studi su Seneca e dintorni -
Un aspetto della polemica antiepicurea in età imperiale: Dione Crisostomo, Lucrezio e la teoria della generazione spontanea
El tema del placer en la obra de Plutarco
Der Chor im antiken und modernen Drama
The "Encheiridion" of Epictetus and its three Christian adaptations
transmission and critical editions -
Reading Virgil and his texts
studies in intertextuality