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Mêjuy edebî kurdî
De Origine Et Indole Arabicae Librorum V. T. Historicorum Interpretationis Libri Duo
Passim Adiecta Sunt Scholia Tanchumi Arabica Aliaque Anecdota -
Kāvya Prakāsa
a treatise on poetry and rhetoric -
Geschichte und Kritik der deutschen Poesie und Beredsamkeit
Der im Irrgarten der Metrik umhertaumelnde Cavalier
Eine literarische Tragödie -
Prolegomena ad Demosthenem, sive de vita et orationibus Demosthenis libellus
Francisci Winiewski ... Commentarii historici et chronologici in Demosthenis Orationem de corona
Insunt multa ad Philippicae aetatis cognitionem omniumque Demosthenis orationum, quae sunt ex genere publico, intelligentiam adiuvandam -
Specimen juridicum inaugurale, exhibens interpretationem jurisprudentiae Tullianae in topicis expositae
Leben und Werke der Troubadours
ein Beitrag zur nähern Kenntniß des Mittelalters -
Monumenti inediti pubblicati dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica
= Monuments inédits publiés par l'Institut de Correspondance Archéologique -
The anti-slavery reporter
Anti-slavery monthly reporter
British critic, and quarterly theological review
The poetical register and repository of fugitive poetry
Monthly repository and review of theology
Independent republican, and miscellaneous magazine
The literary magazine and American register
The censor
an entirely original work devoted to literature, poetry, and the drama -
Edinburgh literary journal
or weekly register of criticism and belles lettres -
The Scots magazine and Edinburgh literary miscellany
The Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany
The literary gazette and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences etc.
Taschenbuch für die Freunde des hiesigen Hofoperntheaters
The annual review and history of literature
or register of literature -
The mirror of literature, amusement and instruction
containing original essays