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The Pancharâtra of Bhâsa
The Jânakîpariṇaya of Chakrakavi
Ghaṭakarparam oder das zerbrochene Gefäß
ein sanskritisches Gedicht -
Ghaṭakarparam oder das zerbrochene Gefäss
ein sanskritisches Gedicht -
The Pratijnâyaugandharâyana of Bhâsa
Sāhitya Derpaṇa
a treatise on rhetorical composition -
Ghaṭakarparam oder das zerbrochene Gefäss
ein sanskritisches Gedicht -
Bhatti Kavya
a poem on the actions of Rama. With the commentaries of Jayamangala and Bharatamallika = Bhaṭṭimahākāvyaṃ : asya ṭīkā Jayamaṅgalaracitā Jayamaṅgalā Bharatamallikanirmmitā mugdhabodhinī ca -
Sahitya Derpana, a Treatise on Rhetorical Composition
Ghaṭakarparam oder das zerbrochene Gefäß
ein sanskritisches Gedicht -
The Pancharâtra of Bhâsa
The Jânakîpariṇaya of Chakrakavi
Bhatti Kavya
a poem on the actions of Rama -
The Pratijnâyaugandharâyana of Bhâsa
Sāhitya Derpaṇa
a treatise on rhetorical composition -
Bhatti Kavya
a poem on the actions of Rama : with the commentaries of Jayamangala and Bharata mallika -
Nyáya Sútra Vritti
the logical aphorisms of Gotama