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The ages of man and the months of the year
poetry, prose and pictures outlining the Douze mois figurés motif mainly found in shepherds' calendars and in livres d'heures (14th to 17th century) -
Studia Germanica Gandensia
Nederlandse energiehuishouding
uitkomsten van maand- en kwartaaltellingen -
Elektrotechnische industrie
= Electrical engineering -
= Manufacture of footwear -
= Agricultural data -
Speur- en ontwikkelingswerk in Nederland
= Research and development in the Netherlands -
Jan Campertprijzen
= Air transport companies -
Statistiek van balans en resultatenrekening beurs-n.v.'s
= Statistics of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of business corporations quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange -
Regionaal statistisch zakboek
RSZ = Regional pocket yearbook -
banks and brokers in the Netherlands -
Kleine handelsvaart
= Coastal shipping -
Veem- en pakhuisbedrijven
= Storage and warehousing -
Sociale verzekering, pensioenverzekering, levensverzekering
= Social security, pension funds and life-insurance -
= Manufacture of agricultural machinery and equipment -
Stoomketel- en krachtwerktuigenindustrie
= Manufacture of steam boilers, engines and turbines -
= Manufacture of office-machinery -
Hef- e.a. transportwerktuigenindustrie, fabrieken van machines voor mijnbouw, bouwnijverheid, bouwmaterialen- en metallurgische industrie
= Manufacture of hoisting machines and other mechanical handling equipment, machinery and equipment used by mining industries construction and basic metal industrie -
Tank-, reservoir- en pijpleidingbouw
= Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and industrial piping -
Fabrieken van machines en apparaten voor de hout- en meubelindustrie, textiel- en kledingindustrie, wasserijen en chemische reiniging, leder- en lederverwerkende industrie, papier- en grafische industrie
= Manufacture of wood marketing machinery, textile machinery, commercial laundry machines, dry cleaning and pressing machines, leather working machinery, paper industry and printing trade machinery -
Vademecum gezondheidsstatistiek Nederland
= Vademecum of health statistics of the Netherlands -
Alcoholfabrieken en distilleerderijen, bierbrouwerijen en mouterijen, frisdrankenindustrie
= Distilling factories, breweries and malt-houses, non-alcoholic-carbonated drinks industry -
Fabrieken van machines en apparaten voor de voedingsmiddelen-, de chemische- en verwante industrieën
= Manufacture of machinery and equipment for food, chemical and allied industries