L' Art Militaire pour L'Infanterie
Au quel est monstré I. Le maniement du Mousquet & de la pique, un chascun en particulier. II. L'Exercice d'une compagnie d'Infanterie toute parfaite, selon la pratique du Tresilluitre & Tresexcellent Chef de guerre Maurice Prince d'Orange, Comte de Nassau, &c. declaré augmenté & corrigé. III. Belles & novelles Ordonnances de batailles d'une compagnie, & d'un Regimen tout entier d'Infanterie. Novelle invention d'une singuliere forte d'ailes pour une compagnie & entier regimen:comme aussi comment il faut repartir les quartiers pour un camp, le tout avec bon & aisé avantage, & ce qu'on doit en outre cognoistre en un Regimen. IV. La discipline militaire de l'Infanterie, qui jusqu'a present a esté vsitée es Regimens Ongrois, corrigée & mise en meilleur ordre, selon la nature de la vraye science militaire. Le tout representé par belles figures gravées en cuivre. ...
First edition published in the Netherlands, translated into French, of the famous first text book for the training, rules of warfare and discipline of the infantry. It was first published in German in 1615, by Johann Theodor de Bry (1561–1623) at...
Württembergische Landesbibliothek
uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe
First edition published in the Netherlands, translated into French, of the famous first text book for the training, rules of warfare and discipline of the infantry. It was first published in German in 1615, by Johann Theodor de Bry (1561–1623) at Oppenheim, who was responsible for the battle plans and made the French translation, published there in the same year. Plates A-D are said to be after Jacques de Gheyn. The present French edition, dedicated to Prince Maurits, appeared at Franeker in the Netherlands in 1615 or soon after. The copperplates engraved for the present edition show armour and weapons, 84 figures of soldiers demonstrating the use of the musquet and pike and plans of troops in battle formations. These and the engraved frame on the title-page are copied from those used in 1615 German edition, but in many copies of that edition the 30 plates with troop formations or even all 34 plates are lacking, so at least the former may have been added post-publication.
A new manual, and platoon exercise
with an explanation. Published by order of His Majesty
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Potsdamer Straße
keine Fernleihe