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Expectations, satisfaction, and utility from experience goods
a field experiment in theaters -
Credit market Information feedback
Climate actions, market beliefs and monetary policy
Finance, informal competition, and expectations
a firm-level analysis -
From addition to multiplication
the labour theory of value and the economic institutions of capitalism : part three: structure, super-structure and institutional change -
Forward guidance and expectation formation
a narrative approach -
Terrorism, media coverage and education
evidence from Al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya -
Financial concerns and the marginal propensity to consume in Covid times: evidence from UK survey data
Temporary overpessimism: job loss expectations following a large negative employment shock
The power of sentiment: irrational beliefs of households and consumer loan dynamics
Temporary overpessimism: job loss expectations following a large negative employment shock
The dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage assimilation
The dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage assimilation
Consumers' updating, policy shocks and public debt
an empirical assessment of state dependencies -
Do well managed firms make better forecasts?
What does machine learning say about the drivers of inflation?
Diverse policy committees can reach underrepresented groups
The COVID-19 consumption game-changer
evidence from a large-scale multi-country survey -
Does political polarization affect economic expectations?
evidence from three decades of cabinet shifts in Europe -
Does information about current inflation affect expectations and decisions
another look at Italian firms -
Gravidez na adolescência: conciliação de vida familiar, estudo e trabalho dos jovens em Recife
R&D plans, expectations, and uncertainty: evidence from the COVID-19 shock in Italy
Climate actions, market beliefs, and monetary policy
Do women expect wage cuts for part-time work?
The curious case of the rise in deflation expectations