Stärkung des literarischen Kompetenzerwerbs durch induktive und deduktive Erarbeitung literarischer Grundlagen - zwei Methoden im Vergleich
Abstract: Within literary studies, students are confronted with an enormous reading workload and are expected not only to be able to name and explain the basic concepts and working methods within a very short time, but also to apply their knowledge...
Abstract: Within literary studies, students are confronted with an enormous reading workload and are expected not only to be able to name and explain the basic concepts and working methods within a very short time, but also to apply their knowledge to concrete examples. Especially in the seminars, it is therefore important to optimally support the students in this learning process. Although there are many successful teaching concepts, there is often a lack of specific analyses of the effects on the student's learning process. This practice-oriented contribution introduces a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project, which focuses on the apparently simple but very complex question of whether the inductive (i. e. from the example to the rule) or deductive (i. e. starting from the general) method is more effective for teaching literary competences. The conclusion will be based on the student's subjective perceptions of how supportive these two methods were for their learning process