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Henry James
a study of the short fiction -
The dramatic landscape of Steinbeck's short stories
William Carlos Williams
a study of the short fiction -
Raymond Carver
a study of the short fiction -
Typologie der short story
The stories of Raymond Carver
a critical study -
La nouvelle
The new short story theories
Die Kürzestgeschichte
Struktur und Wirkung ; Annäherung an die Short Short Story unter dissonanztheoretischen Gesichtspunkten -
La nouvelle
Boccace, Marguerite de Navarre, Cervantès -
The poetics of death
the short prose of Kleist and Balzac -
Novellentheorie und Novellenforschung
ein Forschungsbericht ; 1945 - 1964 -
Tennessee Williams
a study of the short fiction -
Theorie der Kurzgeschichte
Short story theories
Technique de la nouvelle chez Buzzati
James Joyce
a study of the short fiction -
W. Somerset Maugham
a study of the short fiction -
Nathaniel Hawthorne
a study of the short fiction -
Contes et nouvelles de Maupassant
pour une poétique du recueil -
Critical reception of the short fiction by Joyce Carol Oates and Gabriele Wohmann
Jack London
a study of the short fiction -
Postmodern approaches to the short story
Trespassing boundaries
Virginia Woolf's short fiction -
Maupassant and the American short story
the influence of form at the turn of the century