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Zeige Ergebnisse 76 bis 100 von 102.
Studies in Lucian
De praedicatieve plaatsing van het adjectief bij Lucianus
un intellettuale greco contro Roma -
Lucian and his influence in Europe
Chaucer and Menippean satire
Ben Jonson and the Lucianic tradition
Novellenkränze Lukians
Lukians Schrift zur Geschichtsschreibung
O calundu e a panacéia
Machado de Assis, a sátira menipéia e a tradiçāo luciânica -
Lukian, Zeus tragodos
Überlieferungsgeschichte, Text und Kommentar -
Lucien de Samosate
actes du colloque international de Lyon organisé au Centre d'Études Romaines et Gallo-Romaines les 30 septembre - 1er octobre 1993 -
Lucian of Samosata vivus et redivivus
[colloquium with the same title held at the Warburg Institute in December 1995] -
Lucian, Plato and Greek morals
Lucian's Atticism
the morphology of the verb -
In search of the sorcerer's apprentice
the traditional tales of Lucian's Lover of lies -
Joannis Jensii Lectiones Lvcianeae
Fifteenth century Latin translations of Lucian's essay on slander
Le traduzioni di Luciano in Italia nel XV e XVI secolo
Phantasie und Lachkultur
Lukians "Wahre Geschichten" -
Untersuchungen zum "Juppiter confutatus" Lukians
Studies in Lucian's De Syria dea
A Lucian for our times
Lukian "Rhetorum praeceptor"
Einleitung, Text und Kommentar -
Lucian's Dialogi marini