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  1. Protecting Children Online? : Cyberbullying Policies of Social Media Companies
    Erschienen: 20180302
    Verlag:  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA

    This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This... mehr


    This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This includes interviews with NGO and social media company reps in the US and the EU. She triangulates these findings against news, policy reports, evaluations and interviews with e-safety experts. This book raises questions about the legitimacy of expecting companies to balance the tension between free speech and child protection without publicly revealing their decision-making processes. In an environment where e-safety is part of the corporate business model, this book unveils the process through which established social media companies receive less government scrutiny than start-ups. The importance of this research for law and policy argues for an OA edition to ensure the work is widely and globally accessible to scholars and decision makers.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: OAPEN
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780262344081; 9780262344104
    Schlagworte: Media studies
    Weitere Schlagworte: Media & Communications; Bullying; Cyberbullying; Facebook; Non-governmental organization; Social media
  2. Cruel children in popular texts and cultures
    Beteiligt: Flegel, Monica (Herausgeber); Parkes, Christopher (Herausgeber)
    Erschienen: [2018]; © 2018
    Verlag:  Palgrave Macmillan, [London]

  3. Cruel children in popular texts and cultures
    Beteiligt: Flegel, Monica (Hrsg.); Parkes, Christopher (Hrsg.)
    Erschienen: [2018]; © 2018
    Verlag:  Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

    Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg
    uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe
    Internationale Jugendbibliothek
    keine Ausleihe von Bänden, nur Papierkopien werden versandt
    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Hinweise zum Inhalt
    Quelle: Verbundkataloge
    Beteiligt: Flegel, Monica (Hrsg.); Parkes, Christopher (Hrsg.)
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Buch (Monographie)
    ISBN: 9783319722740; 3319722743
    RVK Klassifikation: HG 431
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schriftenreihe: Critical approaches to children's literature
    Schlagworte: Grausamkeit <Motiv>; Kind <Motiv>; Literatur; Englisch; Film
    Weitere Schlagworte: DSY ; BISAC Subject Heading; DSBH ; BIC subject category; DS ; BIC subject category; Bullying; Gender; Race; Class; Schools; DSY ; BIC subject category
    Umfang: xiii, 312 Seiten, Illustrationen