V. 1Vanity fair : a novel without a hero --v. 2History of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy --v. 3Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush --History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond --Cox's...
Seminar für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (SUED), Bibliothek
D 62.20 / Thackeray
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V. 1Vanity fair : a novel without a hero --v. 2History of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy --v. 3Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush --History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond --Cox's diary --v. 4Memoirs of Barry Lyndon --Fitz-boodle papers --Men's wives --Catherine : a story --v. 5Paris sketch book of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh --Irish sketch book --Notes of a journey from Cornhill to grand Cario --v. 6Contributions to Punch --v. 7History of Henry Esmond, esq. --English humourists of the eighteenth century --Four Georges --Charity and humour --v. 8Newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family --v. 9Christmas books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh.