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The performance of forecast-based monetary policy rules under model uncertainty
Central banks
No reason to ignore money -
Central banks
no reason to ignore money -
Von der D-Mark zum Euro
eine Übergangsbilanz -
Term structure or money growth as leading indicator of inflation
an empirical analysis for Germany -
International policy coordination and simple monetary policy rules
Monetary policy rules and oil price shocks
Taylor-Regel und amerikanische Geldpolitik
Inflation of objectives instead of focus on inflation? : evidence on the ECB objective function from a textual analysis : study supported by the Brigitte Strube Foundation
How does the ECB target inflation?
Geldpolitische Konzeptionen - Alternativen für die Europäische Zentralbank und für die Kroatische Nationalbank
[Vortrag im Rahmen des 19. Symposiums der Ökonomischen Fakultät der Josip-Juraj-Strossmayer-Universität Osijek und der Hochschule Pforzheim, 13. bis 18. Oktober 1998] -
The impact of central bank interest rate variations
empirical evidence from Germany -
The performance of forecast-based monetary policy rules under model uncertainty
The ECB monetary policy strategy and the money market
Central bank forecasts of liquidity factors
quality, publication and the control of the overnight rate -
Braucht die EZB eine "neue" geldpolitische Strategie?
Der Informationsgehalt des Geldmengenziels der Deutschen Bundesbank
Ergebnisse einer Umfrage aus dem Jahre 1998 -
Unzureichende Indikatoreigenschaften der Geldmenge
Konsequenzen für die geldpolitische Strategie der EZB -
Assessing nominal income rules for monetary policy with model and data uncertainty
Monetary policy in transition economies: on central bank independence and nominal anchors
paper (invited lecture) presented at the Conference of the "International Atlantic Economic Society" in Vienna, March 1999 -
A macroeconometric study on the labor market and monetary policy
Germany and the EMU -
A Keynesian based econometric framework for studying monetary policy rules
Taylor-Regel und amerikanische Geldpolitik
Vortrag gehalten an der Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, am 20.12.2000 -
On the theory of interest rate policy
Price setting and the steady state effects of inflation