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Teacher practices for teaching writing in Greek primary schools
Constructing theoretically informed measures of pause duration in experimentally manipulated writing
The use of advanced planning among emerging writers
Typical 6-year-old children’s confusion between “b” and “d” in reading cannot be assimilated to reversal
The effectiveness of self-regulated strategy development on improving English writing: Evidence from the last decade
Properties of a combined measure of reading and writing: the Assessment of Writing, Self-Monitoring, and Reading (AWSM Reader)
"Irgendwann muss man anfangen"
Reading in print versus digital media uses different cognitive strategies: evidence from eye movements during science-text reading
The effect of communicative purpose and reading medium on pauses during different phases of the textualization process
Hochsitze - jenseits der Norm
Writing informational text using provided information and text structures: an intervention for upper elementary struggling writers
Are reading and writing building on the same skills? The relationship between reading and writing in L1 and EFL
Text-based writing in elementary classrooms: teachers’ conceptions and practice
Von der Strafe Gottes zum künstlerischen Stimulans
Vom literarischen Wandel der Syphilis — Teil 2 -
Description and interactions of informative text structure knowledge and skills of French-speaking Grade 6 students
„philipp schöpke.!“
Eine Ausstellung im museum gugging, zu sehen vom 25.10.2018 bis 10.3.2019 -
Writing flexibility in argumentative essays: a multidimensional analysis
Transcription skills and written composition in Spanish beginning writers: pen and keyboard modes
Learning to compose digitally: the effect of prior computer use and keyboard activity on NAEP writing
Preschool children’s early writing: repeated measures reveal growing but variable trajectories
Klinische und besonders tierexperimentelle Liquorzelluntersuchungen zur Genese von Riesenzellen im Liquor cerebrospinalis
Über das schillernde Federmelanin bei Heliangelus und Lophophorus
Welche Variablen lässt das Subjektive Familienbild zu?
Eine Social Relations Model Analyse für 461 Patientinnen mit Essstörung -
Knowledge of persuasion and writing goals predict the quality of children’s persuasive writing
Answering the challenge: SRSD instruction for close reading of text to write to persuade with 4th and 5th Grade students experiencing writing difficulties