Virtual Voyages' is a fascinating account of the European discovery of the elusive 'great south land' told through the literature of 'imaginary voyages'
Front Matter; Half Title; Title; Copyright; TABLE OF CONTENTS; LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; EDITORIAL NOTE; INTRODUCTION; Chapter 1: REAL AND IMAGINARY VOYAGES; Colonial Vision; Reality Effects; Utopian Worlds; Literary Criticism; Robinsonades and Gulliveriana; Chapter 2: BLANK SPACES FOR THE IMAGINATION; Antipodean Inversions and Reversals; Joseph Hall's Mundus alter et idem (1605); I; II; III; Gabriel de Foigny's La Terre Australe connue (1676); I; II; III; Chapter 3: EXOTICISM AND ROMANTICISM; The Colour of Truth; Robert Paltock's The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins (1750)