Populated by a parade of fascinating characters, this slice-of-life story provides a glimpse into life in the Appalachian region in the early twentieth century. A prodigal son, the offspring of a legendary local moonshiner, makes his yearly...
Populated by a parade of fascinating characters, this slice-of-life story provides a glimpse into life in the Appalachian region in the early twentieth century. A prodigal son, the offspring of a legendary local moonshiner, makes his yearly pilgrimage home to the wilds of Virginia, where he kicks off the vestiges of his comparatively sophisticated existence in the city and immerses himself in the local customs
Title; Contents; I - The Blight in the Hills; II - On the Wild Dog's Trail; III - The Auricular Talent of the Hon. Samuel Budd; IV - Close Quarters; V - Back to the Hills; VI - The Great Day; VII - At Last-The Tournament; VIII - The Knight Passes;