Papers presented at a workshop held Sept. 28-30, 2007 at Université Laval in Quebec City. - Papers presented at a workshop held from Sept. 28 to Sept. 30, 2007 at Université Laval, Québec, Québec. Cf. p. xi
Includes bibliographical references and index
Machine generated contents note: Narrative of Cultural Geography in Philostratus's Lives of the Sophists / Pascale Fleury / Thomas Schmidt -- The Second Sophistic and Non-Elite Speakers / Adam Kemezis -- L'Héraclès d'Hérode: héroisme et philosophie dans la sophistique de Philostrate / Ian Henderson -- L'orateur oracle: une image sophistique / Dominique Cote -- Portrait d'un rhéteur: Aelius Aristide comme initié mystique et athlète dans les Discours sacrés / Pascale Fleury -- Une écriture du visuel au temps de la Seconde Sophistique: Clément d'Alexandrie (Protreptique) et Philostrate (Images) / Janet Downie -- Sophistes, barbares et identité grecque: le cas de Dion Chrysostome / Anne Pasquier Reflets de Phellénisme chez Athénée à travers l'emploi des termes 'E[gamma][gamma]iota;kappaomicronfinalsigma et [beta]a[alpha][beta]omsicronfinalsigma / Thomas Schmidt -- Pausanias le Périégète et la Seconde Sophistique / Marie-Hélène Mainguy -- Dance and Discourse in Plutarch's Table Talks 9.15 / Janick Auberger -- Galen on epsilonkappa;domicronsōfinalsigma / Karin Schlapbach -- Were the Speeches of Aelius Aristides 'Rediscovered' in the 350s p.C.? / Sean A. Gurd -- Libanius's Monody for Daphne (Oration 60) and the Eleusinios Logos of Aelius Aristides / John Vanderspoel -- Thémistios et la Seconde Sophistique: le thème du tyran / Diane Johnson
From a workshop held at Université Laval, Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its Times brings together fourteen essays and a range of perspectives, including work from scholars in literature, philology, linguistics, history, political science, sociology, and religion. The essays explore the Second Sophistic and describe how the intellectual elites of this period perceived and defined themselves, how they were judged by later authors, and how we understand them today."--Pub. desc
The Second Sophistic (50 to 250 BCE) was an intellectual movement throughout the ancient Greek and Roman world. Although it can be characterized as a literary and cultural phenomenon of which rhetoric is an essential component, other themes and values such as peideia, mimesis, the glorification of the past, the importance of Athens, and Greek identity pervade the literature and art of this era