Title Page -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- A Short History of Theory -- PART ONE: Russian Formalism, New Criticism, Poetics -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: Art as Technique -- CHAPTER 3: The Formalist Critics -- CHAPTER 4: Keats' Sylvan Historian -- CHAPTER 5: The Intentional Fallacy -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- CHAPTER 6: Broken on Purpose -- Prosodic Structures in Television Serials -- A Case Study of the Sonnet‐Season: Season 1 of The Sopranos -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 7: Tools for Reading Poetry -- Tropes -- Reading -- Elision -- Reading -- Resemblance -- Reading -- Objective Correlative -- Reading -- Language Poetry -- Reading -- The New Sentence -- Reading -- Sound Poetry/Concrete Poetry -- Reading -- Prosody -- Reading -- CHAPTER 8: Theory in Practice: "Look, Her Lips": Softness of Voice, Construction of Character in King Lear -- I -- II -- III -- IV -- CHAPTER 9: Theory in Practice: Romantic Rhetorics (from Elizabeth Bishop: The Restraints of Language) -- Works Cited -- PART TWO: Structuralism, Linguistics, Narratology -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: The Linguistic Foundation -- CHAPTER 3: Course in General Linguistics -- PART ONE General Principles -- Chapter I: nature of the linguistic sign -- Chapter II: immutability and mutability of the sign -- Chapter III: static and evolutionary linguistics -- PART TWO Synchronic Linguistics -- Chapter I: generalities -- Chapter II: the concrete entities of language -- Chapter III: identities, realities, values -- Chapter IV: linguistic value -- Chapter V: syntagmatic and associative relations -- CHAPTER 4: The Structural Study of Myth -- CHAPTER 5: Mythologies -- CHAPTER 6: Discourse in the Novel -- CHAPTER 7: What Is an Author? -- CHAPTER 8: Scripts, Sequences, and Stories -- Sequences: Classical Accounts and Postclassical Perspectives The Problem of Narrativity: A Thought Experiment -- Scripts and Literary Interpretation -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 9: From Beats to Arcs -- Micro Level: Beats -- Middle Level: Episodes -- Macro Level: Arcs -- Conclusion -- "From Beats to Arcs" 2015 Postscript -- CHAPTER 10: Theory in Practice: The Subplot as Simplification in King Lear -- CHAPTER 11: Theory in Practice: The Stories of "Passion": An Empirical Study -- Works Cited -- PART THREE: Phenomenology, Reception, Ethics -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: Transcendental Aesthetic -- General Observations on Transcendental Aesthetic -- Conclusion of the Transcendental Aesthetic -- CHAPTER 3: The Phenomenology of Reading -- II -- CHAPTER 4: Teaching, Studying, and Theorizing the Production and Reception of Literary Texts -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 5: Distinction -- Classes and Classifications -- Embodied Social Structures -- Knowledge without Concepts -- Advantageous Attributions -- The Classification Struggle -- The Reality of Representation and the Representation of Reality -- CHAPTER 6: Ethics and the Face -- 1. Infinity and the Face -- 2. Ethics and the Face -- 3. Reason and the Face -- 4. Discourse Founds Signification -- 5. Language and Objectivity -- 6. The Other and the Others -- 7. The Asymmetry of the Interpersonal -- 8. Will and Reason -- CHAPTER 7: Levinas and Literary Interpretation -- I -- II -- III -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 8: Cultivating Humanity -- Fancy and Wonder -- Literature and the Compassionate Imagination -- Compassion in the Curriculum: A Political Agenda? -- World Citizenship, Relativism, and Identity Politics -- CHAPTER 9: Theory in Practice: Relation and Responsibility: A Levinasian Reading of King Lear -- CHAPTER 10: Theory in Practice: The Baby or the Violin: Ethics and Femininity in the Fiction of Alice Munro -- "Meneseteung" -- "My Mother's Dream" -- Conclusion Works Cited -- PART FOUR: Post‐Structuralism -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: The Will to Power -- 499 -- 500 -- 501 -- 511 -- 512 -- 513 -- 514 -- 515 -- 516 -- 517 -- 542 -- 543 -- 552 -- CHAPTER 3: What Is Becoming? -- CHAPTER 4: Différance -- CHAPTER 5: That Dangerous Supplement -- From/Of Blindness to the Supplement -- The Chain of Supplements -- The Exorbitant. Question of Method -- CHAPTER 6: The Death of the Author -- CHAPTER 7: From Work to Text -- CHAPTER 8: Writing -- Suggested Readings -- CHAPTER 9: Theory in Practice: Lear's After‐Life -- I -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- CHAPTER 10: Theory in Practice: Allegories of Reading in Alice Munro's "Carried Away" -- Works Cited -- PART FIVE: Psychoanalysis and Psychology -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: The Interpretation of Dreams -- The Dream of the Botanical Monograph -- The Dream‐work -- VI -- CHAPTER 3: The Uncanny -- I -- II -- III -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 4: Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego -- CHAPTER 5: The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience -- CHAPTER 6: Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena -- A Study of the First Not‐me Possession -- Clinical Description of a Transitional Object -- Theoretical Study -- Summary -- References -- CHAPTER 7: Trauma Studies and the Literature of the US South -- Trauma and the U.S. South -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 8: Theory in Practice: King Lear: The Transference of the Kingdom -- I -- II -- CHAPTER 9: Theory in Practice: The Weirdest Scale on Earth: Elizabeth Bishop and Containment -- References -- CHAPTER 10: Theory in Practice: The Uncontrollable: The Underground Stream -- PART SIX: Marxism, Critical Theory, History -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: The Philosophic and Economic Manuscripts of 1844 -- Estranged Labour -- Private Property and Communism CHAPTER 3: The German Ideology -- CHAPTER 4: Theses on the Philosophy of History -- I -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- VI -- VII -- VIII -- IX -- X -- XI -- XII -- XIII -- XIV -- XV -- XVI -- XVII -- XVIII -- CHAPTER 5: Structures and the Habitus -- A False Dilemma: Mechanism and Finalism -- Structures, Habitus and Practices -- The Dialectic of Objectification and Embodiment -- CHAPTER 6: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses -- Ideology is a "Representation" of the Imaginary Relationship of Individuals to their Real Conditions of Existence -- Ideology Interpellates Individuals as Subjects -- CHAPTER 7: Right of Death and Power over Life -- CHAPTER 8: Homo Sacer -- Introduction -- PART ONE The Logic of Sovereignty -- Works Cited -- CHAPTER 9: New Historicisms -- I -- II -- III -- IV -- V -- CHAPTER 10: Theory in Practice: Reason and Need: King Lear and the Crisis of the Aristocracy -- CHAPTER 11: Theory in Practice: Social Class in Alice Munro's "Sunday Afternoon" and "Hired Girl" -- References -- CHAPTER 12: Theory in Practice: Elizabeth Bishop, Modernism, and the Left -- Works Cited -- PART SEVEN: Gender Studies and Queer Theory -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: The Traffic in Women -- Marx -- Engels -- Kinship -- Deeper into the Labyrinth -- Psychoanalysis and Its Discontents -- The Political Economy of Sex -- CHAPTER 3: Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Experience -- I -- II -- CHAPTER 4: The Laugh of the Medusa -- CHAPTER 5: Imitation and Gender Insubordination -- Psychic Mimesis -- CHAPTER 6: Global Identities -- CHAPTER 7: Women Workers and Capitalist Scripts -- Gender and Work: Historical and Ideological Transformations -- Housewives and Homework: The Lacemakers of Narsapur -- Immigrant Wives, Mothers, and Factory Work: Electronics Workers in the Silicon Valley -- Daughters, Wives, and Mothers: Migrant Women Workers in Britain Common Interests/Different Needs: Collective Struggles of Poor Women Workers -- CHAPTER 8: "I Would Rather Be a Cyborg Than a Goddess" -- Intersectionality and Its Discontents -- Cyborgs and Other Companionate Assemblages -- Re‐reading Intersectionality as Assemblage -- References -- CHAPTER 9: Epistemology of the Closet -- CHAPTER 10: Queers, Read This -- A Leaflet Distributed at Pride March in NY Published anonymously by Queers June, 1990 -- An Army of Lovers cannot Lose -- Anger -- Queer Artists -- If you're Queer, -- Shout It! -- I Hate … -- Where Are You Sisters? -- Where Are You? -- Get Up, Wake Up Sisters!! -- When Anyone Assaults You for being Queer, It is Queer Bashing. Right? -- Why Queer -- No Sex Police -- Queer Space -- Rules of Conduct for Straight People -- I Hate Straights -- CHAPTER 11: Sex in Public -- 1. There Is Nothing More Public Than Privacy -- 2. Normativity and Sexual Culture -- 3. Queer Counterpublics -- 4. Tweaking and Thwacking -- CHAPTER 12: Naturally Queer -- Queerying Sexual Difference -- Queerying Technology -- Queerying Boundaries -- Conclusion -- References -- CHAPTER 13: Cruising Utopia -- Introduction -- Queerness as Horizon -- CHAPTER 14: Theory in Practice: Queer Lear: A Gender Reading of King Lear -- CHAPTER 15: Theory in Practice: Elizabeth Bishop's "Queer Birds": Vassar, Con Spirito, and the Romance of Female Community -- Works Cited -- PART EIGHT: Ethnic, Indigenous, Post‐Colonial, and Transnational Studies -- CHAPTER 1: Introduction -- CHAPTER 2: Orientalism -- Introduction -- The Scope of Orientalism -- CHAPTER 3: An Image of Africa -- CHAPTER 4: Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism -- CHAPTER 5: Playing in the Dark -- CHAPTER 6: A Small Place -- CHAPTER 7: Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy -- References -- CHAPTER 8: Cultural Identity and Diaspora CHAPTER 9: Translation, Empiricism, Ethics