"The book contains a comprehensive introduction that describes Spanish theater in its Golden Age, what is known of the author{u2019}s life and times, contemporary stagings, and an extensive analysis of the text. The story unfolds as a cross between a...
"The book contains a comprehensive introduction that describes Spanish theater in its Golden Age, what is known of the author{u2019}s life and times, contemporary stagings, and an extensive analysis of the text. The story unfolds as a cross between a jilted-lover scenario and a whodunit murder mystery. A woman laments her departed lover, a sister cross-dresses to avenge her murdered brother, a man duels with his cousin over lost honor, and before long, the dead man turns up as a ghost, or a bar maid, or a female peddler. Questions about identity abound in the witty El muerto disimulado / Presumed Dead. The transnational nature of this clever comedy complicates meanings, often producing bilingual wordplay that underscores the self-conscious, gender-bending, ludic character of the play and of theater in general."--
"Although the playwright penned her work in Spanish, the Portuguese Azevedo set the action in Lisbon, creating in the proces an abundance of multicultural allusions that enrich the text's baroque quality. The story unfolds as a cross between a jilted-lover scenario and a whodunit murder mystery. ... Questions of identity abound ..."--Back cover