Reporting qualitative research as practice / Donald E. Polkinghorne -- Lost in translation: time and voice in qualitative research / William G. Tierney -- Self, subject, audience, text: living at the edge, writing in the margins / Yvonna S. Lincoln -- Fiction formulas: critical constructivism and the representation of reality / Joe Kincheloe -- Regimes of reason and the male narrative voice / William F. Pinar -- Evocative autoethnography: writing emotionally about our lives / Carolyn Ellis -- The ethnographer as postmodern flâneur: critical reflexivity and posthybridity as narrative engagement / Peter McLaren -- Performance texts / Norman K. Denzin -- Performing between the posts: authority, posture and contemporary feminist scholarship / Erica McWilliam -- Creating a multilayered text: women, AIDS, and angels / Patti Lather -- Pico College / Greg Tanaka -- Textual gymnastics, ethics, and angst / Thomas A. Schwandt