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  1. Controlled Multilingual Thesauri for Kazakh Industry-Specific Terms
    Erschienen: 2021
    Verlag:  SSOAR, GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften e.V., Mannheim

    Abstract: This article discusses the practical issues of compiling controlled multilingual thesauri for the purposes of industry-specific translation (IST). In the multilingual, transnational and globally connected Kazakhstan, IST is a much-needed... mehr


    Abstract: This article discusses the practical issues of compiling controlled multilingual thesauri for the purposes of industry-specific translation (IST). In the multilingual, transnational and globally connected Kazakhstan, IST is a much-needed translation service. IST is an interdisciplinary field between terminology, computational linguistics, translation theory and practice. Most of the professional guides, dictionaries and glossaries are systemized in alphabetical order and contain multiple variants for the terms searched. Therefore, there is an urgent need to create a systemized controlled multilingual thesaurus of industry-specific Kazakh, English and Russian terms in order to provide multilingual users with an interoperable and relevant term base. Controlled multilingual thesauri for industry-specific terms are the most effective tools for describing individual subject areas. They are designed to promote communication and interaction among professionals, translators and all Automat


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: Verbundkataloge
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Buch (Monographie)
    Format: Online
    Weitere Identifier:
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Weitere Schlagworte: (thesoz)Kasachstan; (thesoz)Mehrsprachigkeit; (thesoz)Übersetzung; (thesoz)Thesaurus; (thesoz)Fachsprache; (thesoz)Computerlinguistik; controlled thesaurus; controlled vocabulary; industry-specific terms; interoperable thesaurus; multilingual thesaurus; terminology
    Umfang: Online-Ressource


    begutachtet (peer reviewed)

    In: Social Inclusion ; 9 (2021) 1 ; 35-44

  2. Usage and impact of controlled vocabularies in a subject repository for indexing and retrieval
    Autor*in: Borst, Timo
    Erschienen: 2012
    Verlag:  LIBER, [The Hague]

    Since 2009, the German National Library for Economics (ZBW) supports both indexing and retrieval of Open Access scientific publications like working papers, postprint articles and conference papers by means of a terminology web service. This web... mehr


    Since 2009, the German National Library for Economics (ZBW) supports both indexing and retrieval of Open Access scientific publications like working papers, postprint articles and conference papers by means of a terminology web service. This web service is based on concepts organized as a 'Standard Thesaurus for Economics' (STW), which is modelled and regularly published as Linked Open Data. Moreover, it is integrated into the institution’s subject repository for automatically suggesting appropriate key words while indexing and retrieving documents, and for automatically expanding search queries on demand to gain better search results. While this approach looks promising to augment ‘off the shelf’ repository software systems in a lightweight manner with a disciplinary profile, there is still significant uncertainty about the effective usage and impact of controlled terms in the realm of these systems. To cope with this, we analyze the repository’s logfiles to get evidence of search behaviour which is potentially influenced by auto suggestion and expansion of scientific terms derived from a discipline’s literature.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Hinweise zum Inhalt
    Quelle: Verbundkataloge
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Buch (Monographie)
    Format: Online
    Übergeordneter Titel: Sonderdruck aus: Liber Quarterly, 2012 Vol. 21, Iss. 3/4, pp.445-453;
    Schlagworte: information retrieval; controlled vocabulary; authority data
    Umfang: Online-Ressource (9 S.), graph. Darst.