Letzte Suchanfragen
Ergebnisse für *
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 25 von 121.
Übersetzungskultur im 18. Jahrhundert
Übersetzerinnen in Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz -
Weltliteratur für Bürgertöchter
die Übersetzerin Sophie Mereau-Brentano -
The Routledge handbook of translation, feminism and gender
Routledge handbook of translation, feminism and gender
Faithful translators
authorship, gender, and religion in early modern England -
Writing women in Korea
translation and feminism in the colonial period -
Faithful Translators
Authorship, Gender, and Religion in Early Modern England -
The translator
Feminist translation studies
local and transnational perspectives -
The translator
Faithful translators
authorship, gender, and religion in Early Modern England -
Faithful translators
authorship, gender, and religion in early modern England -
Faithful translators
authorship, gender, and religion in early modern England -
The translator
The Routledge handbook of translation, feminism and gender
Translating women
different voices and new horizons -
Gender and translation
understanding agents in transnational reception -
Feats of agreeable usefulness
transl. by Russian women 1763 - 1825 -
Gender, sex and translation
the manipulation of identities -
Fernanda Pivano e la letteratura americana
Victorian women and the economies of travel, translation and culture, 1830-1870
Dʹune écriture à lʹautre
les femmes et la traduction sous lʹAncien Régime -
Des femmes traductrices
entre altérité et affirmation de soi -
Women in translation
scritti per Giovanna Mochi = Donne in traduzione -
Traduzioni e traduttori
gli specchi dell'originale