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Prophetisch-messianische Provokateure der Pax Romana
Jesus von Nazaret und andere Störenfriede im Konflikt mit dem Römischen Reich -
Quand les jeunes catholiques découvrent le monde
les mouvements catholiques de jeunesse, de la colonisation à la coopération 1920-1991 -
Social and institutional origins of political Islam
Islamic discourses in Azerbaijan
the securitization of "non-traditional religious movements" -
Dschihad aus Dinslaken
der Weg in den "Heiligen Krieg" -
Neue religiöse Bewegungen und Gewalt
Erklärungsansätze zur Dynamik gewaltsamer Eskalationsprozesse -
Nineteenth century religion and literature
an introduction -
Die religiösen Bewegungen innerhalb des Judentums im Zeitalter Jesu
De medos e esperanças
uma história das crenças apocalípticas, messiânicas e milenaristas no contexto do movimento de Belo Monte (1874-1902) -
De medos e esperanças
uma história das crenças apocalípticas, messiânicas e milenaristas no contexto do movimento de Belo Monte (1874-1902) -
Invented religions
imagination, fiction and faith -
Invented religions
imagination, fiction and faith -
Pentecostal modernism
Lovecraft, Los Angeles, and world-systems culture -
The dialectics of religious architecture and liturgy in the German countries
The force of fantasy
restoring the American dream -
The force of fantasy
restoring the American dream -
From independence to revolution
Egypt's Islamists and the contest for power -
Christianity in Korea
Invented religions
imagination, fiction and faith -
Dschihad aus Dinslaken
der Weg in den "Heiligen Krieg" -
De medos e esperanças
uma história das crenças apocalípticas, messiânicas e milenaristas no contexto do movimento de Belo Monte (1874-1902) -
Angola: religion and repression
Invented religions
imagination, fiction and faith -
The force of fantasy
restoring the American dream