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Rückkehr zur Philologie
Hermeneutik und Germanistik
Inscription and Intergenerational Connection in Arthur Ransome’s Lakeland Novels
Holiday Work: On Writing for Children and for the Academy
Auslandsdeutsche Mediendiskurse: sprachliche und interkulturelle Aspekte von Minderheitenzeitungen
»Diskursive Formen« und ihre Materialität
Ein methodologischer Vorschlag -
Literatur in vereinfachter Sprache: Einfachheit und literarische Ästhetik
Narration Without Narrating
The Role of Imagination and the Grammar of the Epic Preterit -
Das Konzept der liebevolle Erzähler in Olga Tokarczuks Vorlesung zur Verleihung des Nobelpreises für Literatur
Eine linguistische Analyse -
Justin A. Haynes, The Medieval Classic: Twelfth-Century Latin Epic and the Virgilian Commentary Tradition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. x + 214, ISBN 978-0-19-009136-1, £64 (hardback)
Virgil’s Homer as Tautological Reception in Gabriel Pereira de Castro’s Ulisseia, ou Lisboa Edificada (1636)
Teacher practices for teaching writing in Greek primary schools
Constructing theoretically informed measures of pause duration in experimentally manipulated writing
The use of advanced planning among emerging writers
Typical 6-year-old children’s confusion between “b” and “d” in reading cannot be assimilated to reversal
The effectiveness of self-regulated strategy development on improving English writing: Evidence from the last decade
Anna Maria van Schurman, Letters and Poems to and from Her Mentor and Other Members of Her Circle, ed. and transl. Anne R. Larsen and Steve Maiullo (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series, vol. 81), New York and Toronto: Iter Press, 2021, pp. xxiii + 408. ISBN: 978-1649590121, $65.95
Properties of a combined measure of reading and writing: the Assessment of Writing, Self-Monitoring, and Reading (AWSM Reader)
The Iliads of Pindar and Nepos: Codices, Canons and Misattributions in Medieval and Early Modern Scholarship
Reading in print versus digital media uses different cognitive strategies: evidence from eye movements during science-text reading
Edith Wharton’s The Reef: New York High Society & the House of Atreus
Liturgische Ästhetik – Umrisse eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas zur Beschreibung, Analyse und Funktion geistlicher Literatur
‘Pontifici dexter Caesaribusque meis’: Ambrogio Fracco’s Sacrorum Fastorum libri, Ovid’s Fasti and the Appropriation of March
3. Science fiction