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  1. Hermeneutics of doctrine in a learning church
    the dynamics of receptive integrity
    Erschienen: [2020]
    Verlag:  Brill, Leiden ; Boston

    "In Hermeneutics of Doctrine in a Learning Church, Gregory A. Ryan offers an account of the dynamic, multi-dimensional task of interpreting Christian tradition. He integrates doctrinal hermeneutics, the 'pastorality of doctrine' exemplified by Pope... mehr

    Universität Bonn, Fachbibliothek der Evangelischen und Katholischen Theologie
    BN 1945 R988
    keine Fernleihe
    Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek
    Fbh 1683
    uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe


    "In Hermeneutics of Doctrine in a Learning Church, Gregory A. Ryan offers an account of the dynamic, multi-dimensional task of interpreting Christian tradition. He integrates doctrinal hermeneutics, the 'pastorality of doctrine' exemplified by Pope Francis, and a systematic appraisal of Receptive Ecumenism to provide an original perspective on this task. The book focuses on three contemporary Catholic theologians (Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Ormond Rush, and Paul D. Murray), highlighting how each recognises the dynamic interaction of multiple perspectives involved in authentic ecclesial interpretation. Christian tradition, whether passed on in teaching, scripture, practices, or structures, needs to be continually received and interpreted. This book offers theologians, ecumenists, and church workers a fresh model for receptive ecclesial learning in which doctrinal hermeneutics and pastoral realities are dynamically integrated"--


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    Quelle: Verbundkataloge
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Dissertation
    ISBN: 9789004436398
    Schriftenreihe: Studies in systematic theology ; volume 23
    Schlagworte: Dogma; Hermeneutik
    Weitere Schlagworte: Rush, Ormond (1950-); Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth (1938-); Murray, Paul D. (1964-); Catholic Church / Doctrines; Reception (Ecumenical relations)
    Umfang: VII, 286 Seiten

    Includes bibliographical references and index

    Dissertation, Durham University, 2018