As the result of a run-in with the law, struggling American writer William Sydney Porter chose to make a dash for the border in 1896. During the several months he spent in Honduras, Porter had enough time on his hands to begin exploring his talent...
As the result of a run-in with the law, struggling American writer William Sydney Porter chose to make a dash for the border in 1896. During the several months he spent in Honduras, Porter had enough time on his hands to begin exploring his talent for writing, which up until then had been merely a hobby. The result was the group of stories that are collected in Cabbages and Kings. Though most of these pieces were written before Porter assumed the pseudonym O
Title; Contents; The Proem by the Carpenter; I - "Fox-In-The-Morning"; II - The Lotus and the Bottle; III - Smith; IV - Caught; V - Cupid's Exile Number Two; VI - The Phonograph and the Graft; VII - Money Maze; VIII - The Admiral; IX - The Flag Paramount; X - The Shamrock and the Palm; XI - The Remnants of the Code; XII - Shoes; XIII - Ships; XIV - Masters of Arts; XV - Dicky; XVI - Rouge et Noir; XVII - Two Recalls; XVIII - The Vitagraphoscope;