"Winner of The 2021 George Garrett Fiction Prize, selected by Selah Saterstrom. Transmission is a story about transformation and the development of self-love. After 20 years of traveling throughout the U.S., Millie Morrison returns to her hometown to...
"Winner of The 2021 George Garrett Fiction Prize, selected by Selah Saterstrom. Transmission is a story about transformation and the development of self-love. After 20 years of traveling throughout the U.S., Millie Morrison returns to her hometown to make sense of the experiences and relationships that have shaped her life. In so doing, Millie explores where she came from, what moments linger despite the passage of time, and who she is and wants to be standing on the edge of 40 years old. Her journey thus becomes a consideration on how we incorporate what who we are with who others expect us to be"--