"In the offbeat style of Wes Anderson, a hilariously charming novel about a heartbroken man trying to redeem himself by championing forgotten books. Fleeing heartbreak, an unnamed author goes to an unnamed city to give a series of lectures at an...
"In the offbeat style of Wes Anderson, a hilariously charming novel about a heartbroken man trying to redeem himself by championing forgotten books. Fleeing heartbreak, an unnamed author goes to an unnamed city to give a series of lectures at an unnamed university about forgotten books... only to find himself involved in a mystery when it turns out the professor who invited him is no where to be found, and no one seems quite sure why he's there"...
"In the offbeat style of Wes Anderson, a hilariously charming novel about a heartbroken man trying to redeem himself by championing forgotten books. Fleeing heartbreak, an unnamed author goes to an unnamed city to give a series of lectures at an...
"In the offbeat style of Wes Anderson, a hilariously charming novel about a heartbroken man trying to redeem himself by championing forgotten books. Fleeing heartbreak, an unnamed author goes to an unnamed city to give a series of lectures at an unnamed university about forgotten books... only to find himself involved in a mystery when it turns out the professor who invited him is no where to be found, and no one seems quite sure why he's there"...