"Awakened and transformed by nuclear weapons testing, Godzilla serves as a terrifying metaphor for humanity's shortsighted destructiveness: this was the intent of Shigeru Kayama, the science fiction writer who drafted the 1954 original film and its...
"Awakened and transformed by nuclear weapons testing, Godzilla serves as a terrifying metaphor for humanity's shortsighted destructiveness: this was the intent of Shigeru Kayama, the science fiction writer who drafted the 1954 original film and its first sequel and, in 1955, published these novellas. This book finally provides the first-ever English-language translations of Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again, revealing valuable insights into Kayama's vision for the Godzilla story"--
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis ; London
"Awakened and transformed by nuclear weapons testing, Godzilla serves as a terrifying metaphor for humanity's shortsighted destructiveness: this was the intent of Shigeru Kayama, the science fiction writer who drafted the 1954 original film and its...
Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, Hauptabteilung
uneingeschränkte Fernleihe, Kopie und Ausleihe
"Awakened and transformed by nuclear weapons testing, Godzilla serves as a terrifying metaphor for humanity's shortsighted destructiveness: this was the intent of Shigeru Kayama, the science fiction writer who drafted the 1954 original film and its first sequel and, in 1955, published these novellas. This book finally provides the first-ever English-language translations of Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again, revealing valuable insights into Kayama's vision for the Godzilla story"--